Zielona Gira-Boczów. The tragic end of the attempt to find the missing cyclist. Only 69-year-old died
Sad news from Lubuskie voivodeship. The 69-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene. Several police units were searching for a cyclist who went missing over the weekend. Unfortunately, the man is dead … What led to the disappearance and the tragic end? The circumstances of the whole case are being investigated by the police and the prosecutor’s office.
He left for the weekend From Zielona Gira to Boczów (Lubuskie Voivodeship) By bicycle. No one at the time could have expected how tragically this journey would end. The man contacted his relatives on Saturday (18/06) morning and sent them photos from the trail – he was in Bliss. Then, at 69, he stopped talking. His family became more and more worried …
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On Sunday (19/06) a search involving police officers from various sections of the Lubusky Garrison began. The cyclist wanted to cover about 70 kilometers, so the search area was very large – and he may have turned off the road and chosen another route … The uniforms went into the field and began to search for the cyclist.
The 69-year-old cyclist – according to TVN24 – was found in a forest in the Sulęciński poviat between the cities of Gądków and Garbicz. Police arrived at him on Sunday evening. He was in bad shape.
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– The person was severely dehydrated and tired. Police and paramedics were able to resuscitate him for a long time but could not save his life – reported on Monday morning in an interview with TVN24 podinsp. Marcin Maludi, spokesman for the Korzhov Vilgopolsky provincial police commander.
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The circumstances surrounding the disappearance and death of the 69-year-old should be explained by a series of investigations by the police and the prosecutor’s office. The last, warmest weekend brought the hottest temperatures in the Lublin region with temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius. In such a situation a bicycle trip can end tragically. The exact circumstances of the tragic journey will be clarified.
“Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer. Extreme travel aficionado.”