YouTube has removed German-language Russian RT channels broadcasting in German. The reason is that RT violated Youtube guidelines regarding incorrect information about the Corona pandemic.
“YouTube always has clear community guidelines describing what is allowed on the platform,” a spokesperson said. According to the Guardian newspaper.
The German channel RT was originally suspended and therefore unable to upload content. During the suspension period, Russian Radio tried to use another channel to circumvent the ban on uploading.
– So, both accounts are now closed, the speaker continues.

YouTube star dies of coronavirus
– Propagandaverktoy
RT was launched in 2005 as Russia Today. RT Deutsch is an online German language channel from RT. They want a broadcasting license in Germany that they haven’t got yet. The Association of German Journalists (DJV) urges media supervisors in 16 German states not to grant a license to RT Deutsch.
RT has repeatedly been criticized by the West for being a propaganda tool for the Kremlin. Among other things, they are accused of spreading conspiracy theories and disinformation on behalf of the Russian authorities.

Criticism stems from this
Threats with consequences
The Russian Foreign Ministry described the blockade as an “unheard of media attack, with the clear consent of the German side – if not at the request -“. No evidence has been provided for this claim.
The ministry also threatened countermeasures against German journalists in Russia, but did not provide further details. He further states that these measures are not only appropriate, but also necessary.
not alone
RT isn’t alone in getting banned from Youtube. He wrote that the same thing happened with Sky News Australia in August for the same reason BBC.
Cinnamon was accused of publishing a video that YouTube believes contains incorrect information. YouTube did not mention specific items, but said the material could be harmful.
Jack Hutton, digital editor for Sky News, said the decision was an attack on the ability to think freely, according to the BBC.
Sky News Australia has denied that any of the hosts have denied the existence of the coronavirus.
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