Leadership: US President Joe Biden wants a further investigation into whether the coronavirus came from a lab in China. The photo here is April 14th. Photo: Andrew Harnik / AP
Joe Biden is calling for further investigation into whether the coronavirus outbreak came from a laboratory accident in Wuhan. Norwegian experts say the conflict is only part of an ever-growing struggle between great powers.
On Wednesday, President Joe Biden breathed new life into the theory that the coronavirus came from a laboratory in Wuhan. Then he mentioned that he was asking the American intelligence services Redoubling efforts to find out how the Coronavirus originated. The alternatives they are looking for are animal infections or a lab leak.
Theory for her It has existed since the epidemic began, And also The Trump administration claimed so, But without providing evidence. The previous administration has launched an investigation, Biden has already received one report, and has now requested further follow-up.
Watch Trump discuss the lab theory here:
CNN commentator Stephen Collison wrote that he thinks the focus is on lab theory in recent days.It adds more toxicity to the geopolitical battle that could be the spark of a new Cold War.»
Joe Jacobsen, a professor in NTNU’s Department of Sociology and Political Science, researches international security and geopolitics, among others. The case is believed to be part of a series of conflicts between the United States and China.
Part of the bigger picture: Joe Jacobsen, a professor in NTNU’s Department of Sociology and Political Science, thinks the halo conflict is one of the many between the United States and China. Photo: NTNU
On the other hand, this is an important issue in isolation that may have come to light since the start of the Covid pandemic. On the other hand, and more importantly, it is one of several conflict issues in the Sino-American relationship that then helps to increase the general level of conflict, he says and adds:
Then, for a number of reasons, it really ended in a cold war – a rivalry between great powers that gets bigger and more pronounced. This does not mean that we are moving from a normal relationship to a cold war, because we are already present in many areas.
Read also
WHO on the origin of the coronavirus: four possible scenarios
Jacobsen asserts that the conflict between the United States and China spreads over a wide range of areas, such as militarism, trade policy, human rights, advanced technology, and a lack of transparency.
He believes the germ issue was politicized during the Trump era and that Biden chose to pursue it. Jacobsen says the selection of Biden to run in this case appears to be the result of political pressure at home where there is great suspicion of China in Congress.
Other countries have to decide whether to take the American line at least rhetorically. The fact of this is that the epidemic was terrible, so the origin itself is an important question. And if China is to blame, that is a big problem for them. Jacobsen says he may be guaranteed the issue will be important, but how important time will he tell us.
Falling at sea: Øystein Tunsjø is a professor in the Department of Defense Studies and believes that the United States and China have more important conflicts than covid-19. Photo: Department of Defense Studies
Øystein Tunsjø is a professor in the Department of Defense Studies with US-China relations among his fields.
He thinks it’s a mistake to focus on the issue, and it’s far more important that Biden’s Asian advisor, Kurt Campbell, be at an event at Stanford University on Wednesday. He said that the engagement period is over.
This means that there is an end to cooperation with China. Many would be skeptical about it – for example, Norway wants to cooperate with China in many areas, and it wasn’t long since Joe Kerry was in Beijing for a climate meeting. When Campbell says the policy of cooperating with China is the end of it, it is clearly creating tension in the administration, he says.
Learn more about lab theory here:
Tunsjø also points out that the laboratory theory is archaic and does not play such a large role:
Fits with a number of issues affecting the relationship between the United States and China. But it is important that the White House’s Asia official – and perhaps Biden’s most important advisor in the field now – says that the engagement policy is over and that we must prepare for an intense battle with China.
I don’t think Covid-19 is the cause of a new cold war. Two great powers standing against each other in many areas will create conflict, tension and rivalry for the foreseeable future. There is a coexistence full of conflicts between China and the United States. And he asserts that they are related, but they have conflicts in all areas, from trade to technology to military power to Covid-19.
Power of Show: Vårin Alme, professor of political science and commentator on American politics. Photo: American Politics
Farren Alamy is a political analyst and commentator American Policy, Indicates that at the beginning of his presidency, Biden made clear that he would follow a steadfast line with China, and that he was following up on this promise with his decision to conduct further investigation into the origin of the Coronavirus.
At the local level, there was pressure to get to the core of this issue, she says.
I interpret this as a way the Biden administration seeks to balance the need to show assertiveness toward China and show that the United States is back as leader of the liberal world order – “America is back” – with the need to appear sensible and focus on facts, says Lamy.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”