Long-distance runner Reza Palucci drifted ashore in St. Augustine, Florida in her inflatable bubble, which he dubbed “Waterlegs.”
He was originally going to New York across the Atlantic, more than 1,600 kilometers north. But it ended only 48 kilometers from the exit point – south.
This morning the FCSO responded to a report of a ship that washed ashore in the Hammock area. The person inside said that he was on his way to New York, but those complications that prompted him to return to the beach, The mayor’s office in Flagler County wrote on Sunday.
They stated that the US Coast Guard has been contacted to take up the case.
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to me sun guard Al Balushi was forced to land because he discovered that the safety and navigation equipment, which was later recovered, had been stolen.
This isn’t the first time the runner has thrown himself into deep water. In 2016, the Coast Guard had to rescue him and bring him ashore when he tried to reach Bermuda and got into trouble. The Coast Guard had previously warned him not to leave, after they reviewed Al Balushi’s travel plans and described them as dangerous, according to Fox News.
Two years ago, in 2014, Al Balooshi attempted to complete the same stretch. He was then picked up by the Coast Guard, about 130 kilometers east of the town that washed ashore on Sunday.
Then its inflatable bubble was punctured.
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He himself says his goal is to raise money for sick and homeless children, the Coast Guard and the police.
– I want to make it clear that you can achieve anything you want. He said: Don’t listen to anyone, follow your dreams Fox 35 Orlando.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”