The DF Health Secretariat said more beds are expected to open for childcare over the next week
In the face of an outbreak of influenza among children, prof Federal District Government 20 beds were opened in the intensive care unit and 23 beds in the pediatric department during the month of March.
The occupancy rate for infant and newborn beds was 98.63% and 98.77%, respectively, as of 1:40 pm this Saturday (1/4), according to Data from the Ministry of Health of the Federal District. However, there is no confirmation of why the children were hospitalized, so it is not possible to say how many people have been infected with the influenza virus. see below:
The Department of Health of the Federal District reports that, during the month of March, it has opened five beds in the Intensive Care Units (ICU) of the Regional Hospital of Taguatinga (HRT), ten beds in the Hospital da Crianca de Brasília (HCB) and five. At the Instituto Base Hospital (IHBDF).
Also, 14 beds have been set up in children’s hospital wards at the Materno Infantil de Brasília (Hmib) hospital to deal with the seasonality of the infection; four others at the Hospital da Regiao Leste (HRL), located in Paranoa; three in the Regional Hospital of Brazil (HRBz); and two on HRT.
The dossier said HRT should open nine more beds in the children’s wards, which are currently undergoing adaptation. “There are also expectations of opening more beds in the HRL and in the Regional Hospital in Sobradino (HRS),” he said.
According to the Department of Health, there are 21 posterior beds in the Emergency Care Unit (UPA) in Santa Maria. By Wednesday (5/4), six more units will open at Santa Maria Regional Hospital (HRSM).
The volume informed that, in parallel, 10 ICU beds in private hospitals should be integrated into the public network.
Currently, there are 94 beds in the pediatric intensive care unit and 221 beds in the pediatric ward, available in the Federal District Public Health Network. All of them are equipped with high-performance specialized teams of doctors, nurses, nursing technicians and physiotherapists, in addition to supporting nutritional, psychological and social services.
“very serious”
This Saturday, DF Governor Ibañez Rocha (MDB) said the outbreak of influenza among children was “very serious”. The column asked the Department of Health for updated data on infected children, but the volume said that information on the diagnosis of the disease could only be consulted on Monday (3/4).
“We are living through a very dangerous period in the Federal District due to an outbreak of influenza that has affected many children in particular. We have already contracted, through the Ministry of Health, several intensive care units for this group of children most affected by this disease, and we are working with the Ministry of Health and Iges to serve the population,” Ibañes said.
Since the virus is mainly spread among children, the Department of Health has developed the influenza vaccination for children from six months to five years, 11 months and 29 days old.
On Friday (31/3) the file visited 21 day care centers to implement the vaccination. On Saturday (1), the vaccination takes place in public places, and from Monday, the vaccination will take place in the Basic Health Units (UBS) network. See titles here.
One newborn died and six other children were hospitalized with influenza syndrome. They were all in the Padre Cicero shelter, in Taguatinga, before being taken to the hospital.
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