These are the most horrific deaths a human being can suffer
Which methods of death cause the most pain (according to science)?
We are all mortal and there is nothing we can do about it except hope that we live a long and happy life. Of course, leaving peacefully and without pain is very welcome. But unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. In fact, there are actually very painful and surprising ways to die. In this gallery, we dive into what science has to say about this.
Click and discover the most painful ways to die.
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Many of us have experienced minor electric shocks (and they can certainly be painful), but death by electrocution is a completely different story.
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When a strong enough electrical charge hits someone, muscles contract, bones break, skin swells, and even eyeballs can pop out of their sockets. The whole process is painful. Punishing someone to death by electric chair was truly a barbaric practice.
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However, the same fate can befall anyone who comes into contact with a high voltage conductor without taking proper protective measures.
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One of the scariest things about radiation is that it is invisible, and in high doses it is deadly. But what actually happens when someone suffers from acute radiation syndrome (SAR)? First, it destroys tissue and genetic material.
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Exposure to radiation translates into a series of health problems that affect the immune system, ultimately leading to serious complications such as circulatory collapse, and ultimately death.
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This terrible fate befalls those involved in nuclear disasters, such as the Chernobyl accident in 1986.
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Most of us associate crucifixion with the death of Jesus Christ, but this type of torture has been around since about the 6th century BC.
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Although some artists depict Christ hanging on the cross in a somewhat peaceful manner, this type of death is actually very painful. So much so that the word “painful” comes from “crucifixion.”
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Although many images show nails passing through the palm, this is historically incorrect. In fact, the nails penetrated both wrists, hitting the median nerve, which is extremely painful. Not to mention all the insects that irritate wounds even more.
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If the idea of being burned to death makes you feel down, there’s a good reason for that: it’s downright terrifying. Our skin contains countless nerves, so the pain we feel when burned is very intense.
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Not to mention the pain caused by inhaling smoke and hot air, which not only makes you suffocate, but also burns everything in its path. It’s really painful.
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If you’ve ever wondered how lava can kill, here’s a summary. The skin boils and the person enters a state of instant rigor mortis (rigidification of the body). Not to mention, the brain can also boil, causing the skull to crack.
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Freezing to death is not as calm and peaceful as it may seem. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Hypothermia will make a person shiver uncontrollably in the early stages.
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This will be followed by muscle stiffness and brain dysfunction. As the body tries to supply blood to its vital organs, the extremities become painful.
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Freezing causes a burning sensation. In general, freezing is certainly not a pain-free way to die.
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Although it is not a long process, drowning can be very painful. First of all, a drowning person often panics, leading to hyperventilation. But instead of air, the victim will inhale water.
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This will cause a spasm of the vocal cords known as laryngospasm. But what causes the most pain is breathing in water.
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Even for those who survive, their lungs remain in pain for some time.
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heart attack
Unlike the other causes of death on this list, the excruciating pain that some people experience often occurs before a heart attack.
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heart attack
The warning signs immediately preceding an attack can be very distressing. There is usually pain that radiates to the arm, jaw, neck and back.
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heart attack
The worst symptom is a feeling of crushing pressure in the chest, which is often described as feeling like an elephant is sitting on one’s chest.
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Pancreas cancer
Nerve pain, bone damage, and treatment side effects: Dying from cancer can be extremely painful, and pancreatic cancer is without a doubt the worst when it comes to pain.
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Pancreas cancer
Pancreatic cancer can cause a great deal of pain when it puts pressure on the nerves surrounding the area. This causes abdominal and back pain.
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Pancreas cancer
Intestinal obstruction can also occur, as can soft tissue pain in other parts of the body.
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Boomslang is a snake – and a very venomous one at that! This of course means that being bitten by someone will result in a very painful death.
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Poisoning by boomslang
How does poison kill? Through bleeding. Basically, the victims will bleed badly internally. Then uncontrollable tremors occur, in addition to nausea and high fever. It is truly a painful death.
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Lethal injection
This type of execution seems to be less painful compared to other methods, but this is not always the case.
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Lethal injection
The most common protocol involves three medications: a barbiturate, an anesthetic, a muscle relaxant, and finally a medication to stop the person’s heart. But this three-drug protocol has been abandoned by some justice systems in favor of one drug. However, it can cause pain to last from minutes to hours, until the person dies.
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Lethal injection
Many of these medications would make a person relax, but they are not drugs, so pain is not avoided. For example, severe pulmonary edema has been found in autopsies of executed prisoners.
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Illness with depression
When divers go into deeper water, they breathe more compressed air rich in oxygen and nitrogen than they do at the surface.
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Illness with depression
The problem is that nitrogen builds up, and if divers return to the surface too quickly, this gas expands and forms bubbles, affecting the entire body.
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Illness with depression
Decompression sickness, also known as barotrauma, can be extremely painful and lead to death.
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Chlorine trifluoride (ClF3)
First discovered in the 1930s, chlorine trifluoride (ClF3) is a highly reactive liquid that burns practically everything it comes into contact with.
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Chlorine trifluoride (ClF3)
If you’re wondering what exposure to ClF3 would be like, scientist Paul Doherty explains: “Chlorine will turn your bones into jelly – your fingers will turn into sticks with little round tips.”
Source: (Grunge)
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6 hours ago
By Aw Minute News
We are all mortal and there is nothing we can do about it except hope that we live a long and happy life. Of course, leaving peacefully and without pain is very welcome. But unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. In fact, there are actually very painful and surprising ways to die. In this gallery, we dive into what science has to say about this.
Click and discover the most painful ways to die.
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