Where is the center of the universe? Science answers!

Where is the center of the universe? Science answers!

Scientists often describe the universe as infinite, with current theory suggesting that it is constantly expanding and therefore it will never be possible to find the edge of space. Our technology will probably never be advanced enough to achieve such a complex feat. Because we live on Earth, we sometimes think we're at the center of the universe, but the center began with the Big Bang, and it wasn't anywhere near here.

The idea that we are at the center of the universe is a common one, and a person might think the same way if they were, for example, on Mars. When you look at the sky, you can see all the stars and distant planets around us; this is exactly what creates the impression that the Earth is at the center.But the truth is, we are far from that.

In the 1920s, American astronomer Edwin Hubble stated that all galaxies are moving away from us on average, and the Hubble telescope was named in his honor. In Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, the scientist described that the universe is dynamic and constantly expanding; therefore, the explanation for why galaxies are moving away was already known to Hubble.

Despite the current understanding that everything is constantly expanding, before Einstein's theory, scientists believed that the universe was completely static.. The idea was that there was a beginning, a middle and an end. But today we know that this is not the case; in fact, we know that everything seems to be constantly expanding around us. After all, where is the center of the universe located?

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“For there to be a central point, that point has to be related in some special way to the universe as a whole. Let’s think about all the different kinds of effects that can create a center. First, if an object is rotating, you can define a center of rotation,” said Christopher S. Byrd, associate professor of physics at West Texas A&M University (USA). “The center of rotation is the single point on a rotating object that is stationary.”

Where is the center of the universe located?

Thinking simply, If there is a center in the universe, it is the place where the Big Bang began to expand in all directions. However, according to Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity and the model developed by Alexander Friedmann, Georges Lemaître, Howard Percy Robertson, and Arthur Jeffrey Walker (the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker analogy), the expansion is uniform in all directions.

That's why researchers say there is no specific central point, everything is constantly expanding. The idea is that all points in the universe have expanded equally in all directions, and so there is no longer a single point of origin..

then, The simplest answer to this mysterious question is that there is a specific center.Although civilization has long believed that we are the essence of everything, this is just a perception.

Currently, science indicates that the universe has no specific center, as it is constantly expanding in all directions.source: Getty Images

Since the universe has been expanding for billions of years, it would be impossible to pinpoint a single region of space as the center of the universe. For example, the Earth has a core of molten rock, but if you asked Where the planet's surface is centered is a more complicated answer – after all, it could be anywhere.

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“For the Earth, the center of rotation is the axis connecting the North and South Poles. For a basketball player dribbling a basketball on his finger, the center of rotation is the point where the ball hits his finger. The center of rotation of the ball,” Bird adds. “The wheel on the axis is the center of the axis. Observations of the universe have found no rotation of the universe as a whole. Without rotation, there is no center of rotation.”

Some scientists suggest that the idea works as if a two-dimensional creature were at the center of a three-dimensional space. Since they are not three-dimensional beings, they would never be able to find the center point of this three-dimensional space.

On the other hand, we are creatures living in three dimensions, but Researchers believe that the universe may consist of four or more dimensions, so it will not be possible to discover the essence of everything.

Did you like the content? So, stay tuned for more curiosities about science and astronomy here at TecMundo. If you like it, take the opportunity to learn about the universe in the Dark Ages and cosmology.

By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."