On Wednesday (13), WhatsApp announced the global launch of this feature Channelswhich allows people and companies to send Messages to an unlimited number of users In “Group”, something similar to what Telegram already offers.
With this new feature, WhatsApp also becomes a channel for mass information transmission.
Access will be released gradually to usersAs is the case with every new feature in WhatsApp.
Channels will appear in a separate tab: “Updates”, which was previously called “Status”. There, in addition to Stories, you will be able to find the new, most active and most popular channels.
In the beginning, Only selected and verified partner channels will be availableincluding g1.
“Soon, everyone will be able to create their own ‘channels,'” said Guilherme Horn, WhatsApp’s head of strategic markets.
“Individuals and companies will be able to have channels without limiting the number of participants. In other countries, we already have groups with millions of people,” Horn told g1.
There is no end-to-end encryption
different from cableThe tool does not allow commentsjust emoji reactions to sent content.
Unlike messages exchanged between individual accounts and groups, channels are not protected by end-to-end encryption by default.
Horne said g1 That’s WhatsApp You will monitor and moderate the content that will be sent.
“We are ready to limit any illegal topic. We have a team in Brazil and the work will be similar to what is done on Instagram and Facebook,” the CEO said.
He also explained that Content creators will not have any private information about participants. Even mutual contacts won’t be able to see which friends and family are in the channel.
What about “WhatsApp Communities”?
The channels launched today are different from WhatsApp Communities, which became official in Brazil at the beginning of this year.
Hey The goal of Comunidades is to bring together many WhatsApp groups Under one umbrella. Hence, the feature allows you to add up to 50 groups in the community, Support up to five thousand people.
“In the case of communities, there are different groups to interact with. There is interaction there. In channels, it is a broadcast. One person communicates and several people receive, so it is a different distribution of content,” says the WhatsApp chief. For strategic markets.
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