The show had a charitable nature as the proceeds went to the family of Ricardo Velao, who passed away last September at the age of 43 and who was a member of the improvisational comedy group that included Martina, Cordis and Luis Franco Bastos.
In his podcast “Ar Livre”, Salvador Martina said that the show was intended to honor Ricardo Velão and, at a certain point, became a “shameful”, “very dangerous” and “disrespectful” moment, prompting many to leave the room.
The comedian said he has had a “crazy” week since then, and that he is still processing what happened. He said he was angry with Rui Senel de Cordes, but stressed that despite everything, he was still his friend, despite the cancellation of the show scheduled for Wednesday in Porto.
Martina, who did not mention the fact that Cordes was drunk (which he himself admitted in an apology made last week), stated that the comedian began to interrupt Franco Bastos, causing the situation to become uncomfortable, with the audience intervening.
“Roy wouldn't let anyone talk. That obviously pissed him off. We had an alignment to follow and it wasn't flowing. We were always repeating,” Martina said.
“There were those in the audience who noticed our annoyance. They spoke on our behalf. “They started saying, ‘Let them talk,’ but in a good way,” he continued, adding, “A lady said, ‘Let them talk,’ and Roy felt afraid, and there was a moment when he released negative energy.” Very, very angry at the top.” “Someone in the audience.” “It was a moment where he broke down, I don’t think he was quite there,” he recalls.
When the spectator got up and said, “It's a shame,” as she left, “the room became ice cold.” At this point Senel de Cordes insulted and threatened the woman. The comedian was deemed to have had “disgraceful”, “extremely dangerous” and disrespectful behaviour. However, the show went on, with Senel de Cordes maintaining the same record.
“We completely failed, we failed at a mission that was to honor a friend,” he admits. “The show became about Roy, and that wasn't the point. It hurt me, it upset me, it made me angry.”
Martina stressed that the second show, which was scheduled to take place in Porto, was canceled by his decision and that of Luis Franco Bastos. “The magic of the night has been destroyed. What will we look like after seven days in Porto telling stories about how happy we are as a group after all that happened?” he asks, apologizing to everyone present at Tivoli.