Home Tech What does Licor Beirão do on Saturdays on TVI? Many blends and an unprecedented competition in the world – Marketeer

What does Licor Beirão do on Saturdays on TVI? Many blends and an unprecedented competition in the world – Marketeer

What does Licor Beirão do on Saturdays on TVI? Many blends and an unprecedented competition in the world – Marketeer

It is the first television competition dedicated to cocktails to be broadcast on an open channel and in prime time. At least, that is the guarantee of Licor Beirão, the brand that sponsors the program “Mistura Beirão”, currently broadcast on TVI, on Saturday nights.

“Mistura Beirão” is a mixology competition that searches for the best bartender/waitress in the country. Hosted by the duo Maria Cerqueira Gomes and Rui Simões, the weekly show puts the talent of 10 contestants to the test, competing in different competitions. The final is scheduled for next Saturday, the 13th, and the winner will have the opportunity to participate in the advanced bartending course at the European Bartending School in New York.

In an interview with Marketeer, Daniel Redondo, general manager of Licor Beirão and Casa Redondo, explained that this initiative aims to contribute to the recognition of the bartender/waiter profession, as well as to show the different aspects of Licor Beirão. Furthermore, it addresses the rebranding of the parent company, Casa Redondo (formerly Companhia Espirituosa), which owns and distributes the alcoholic beverages, among many other spirits.

Daniel Redondo, General Manager of Licor Beirão and Casa Redondo

“Mistura Perao” is Liquor Perao's new bet, embodied in a TV show, in prime time, with an innovative format. How did this idea come about and with what objectives?

“Mistura Beirão” is a competition that has been taking place for a few years, but the ambition to give greater visibility to the world of mixology has been a long-standing dream. As the leading spirits brand in Portugal, we feel an extra responsibility to evaluate this sector and highlight the incredible evolution of the world of cocktails and mixology.

Portugal has already done a great job in elevating the art of cooking with shows like “Masterchef”, so now it is our turn to do the same with mixology, revealing our amazing professionals and giving a stage, the TVI stage, to a sector that is often still undervalued and in which the consumer in general has no idea of ​​the complexity and techniques required to become a professional in this field.

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This is the world’s first mixology competition on public television. While there are a few competitions of this type on streaming platforms, this is the first on a public channel. Our goal is not only to put our talented bartenders in the spotlight, but also to educate the public about the art and effort that goes into making quality cocktails.

In addition to the bad reputation it brings to the brand, how could this action affect the relationship between Licor Beirão and its customer base?

Throughout the program, we will be able to show the versatility of Licor Beirão, not only to the final consumer, but also to many bartenders who are not aware of this aspect of our liqueur, which easily adapts and transforms basic cocktails into complex ones, capable of bringing a unique flavour to the mix. But the main message for the final consumer is to show that Licor Beirão goes much further than being served in the traditional way, with ice and lime, that it represents a flavour profile, and that, in some way, they will love Licor Beirão, both in more classic versions and in newer, fresher and fruitier ones, such as the Maracujão, our latest addition to the brand’s cocktails, which joins the famous Caipirão and Morangão family.

What is the balance of this measure so far? And what are your expectations for the coming weeks?

The balance is very positive! Since the first episode, it has exceeded our expectations, as well as those of Shine Iberia and TVI itself. We all believed that we had a project with a lot of potential on our hands, and we felt it immediately during the recordings where we could already see and imagine the final product. We knew that we had the right “cocktail”, the space, the presenters, the professionals; and an excellent production team that had worked for several months on a program capable of giving visibility not only to the educational and training part, but also to the emotional part.

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The audience results ended up confirming this feeling: we were the audience in the first show and so far we see the ratings rising steadily, from 3.8% to 4.1% in the third episode, where we broke the audience record of 18%.

Who are the Licor Beirão/Casa Redondo partners who made this project a reality?

We have to include two great partners. Firstly, TVI, who believed in the project from the first moment and put it as a priority in the programming schedule. It is not easy to invest a large amount in something innovative. Secondly, Shine Iberia and its talented and dedicated team who were able to show what was conceived for months on end, knowing that it would be a historic milestone for the sector in Portugal and therefore the level of excellence and expectations of all involved were high!

Are the new actions planned around this concept related to mixology (“Mistura Perau”)?

The evolution of the program has moved from off-screen to on-screen, this is the third edition of “Mistura Beirão”, which until then was only dedicated to the Portuguese bartending community. We hope that this new stage that we have brought to mixology in Portugal will inspire not only the end consumer, but also the national and international bartending community, because it is an innovative format in the world. The success of this edition undoubtedly gives us strength and makes us believe in the possibility of a second television edition next year.

The rebranding is also significant because of the rebranding of the parent company, which is now called Casa Redondo. What motivated the rebranding at this time?

We wanted to reinforce the fact that we are a family business – my brother Ricardo and I are third generation and my father is still in the company every day. My grandfather, José Carrança Redondo, started working in 1940, during World War II, when he found himself unemployed. In 2012, now in the general management of the company, we created a distribution unit, which we have now renamed Casa Redondo. We decided to adopt the family name, because “home” reinforces the family atmosphere and closeness that we want to convey. We want our partners and consumers to interact with us and we hope that they feel at home when using our products.

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The company ended up being closely associated with the Licor Beirão brand. Is it important or not to work on awareness of the Umbrella brand? And if so, what plan has been put in place in this regard?

Yes, it is essential to work on spreading awareness of the overall brand, Casa Redondo, to strengthen our identity and presence in the market. Although Licor Beirão is our most well-known brand, we want consumers and partners to know that behind it is a strong company with a wide range of high-quality products, both national and international, and related groups that trust Casa Redondo to expand their presence in Portugal, such as Proximo, owner of brands such as Bushmills, José Cuervo, Rémy Cointreau, Maison Villevert and others.

Currently, we are among the top 3 spirits distributors in Portugal and we are number 1 among Portuguese distributors. With this new strategy, we intend to strengthen our presence both nationally and internationally. We are present in around 70 countries and have relevant brands, such as Aperitivo Per Se, Amarguinha, The FoxTale Gin and Aldeia Velha, which testify to our dedication to producing high quality Portuguese brands and creating unique products.


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