Western secrets can be divulged ABC News

Western secrets can be divulged ABC News

Russia has reportedly hijacked a modern tank in Ukrainian service and sent it to a factory for analysis Defense News. The Leopard 2 tank was sent to Ukraine from Germany.

According to the state-owned Russian news agency RIA Novosti The tank is not intended for export, but comes directly from the German Armed Forces warehouse. This means that it can contain much more sensitive technological information than is found in an export-produced tank.

Not worried

The factory that will analyze the hijacked Leopard 2 tank is one of the world's largest tank manufacturers and is located deep inside Russia. On October 1, the manufacturer posted a video of it Telegram channel Which indicates the arrival of the hijacked tank to the location.

By analyzing the tank, Russia could improve its weapons production or increase its understanding of the Western weapons it faces in the war.

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I don't know what they will find

Defense News wrote that the actual benefit that Russia could gain from the tank seems minimal. The German manufacturer spoke to Defense News and said it was not concerned. They explained that they do not manufacture their own export goods, but produce according to the customer's specific needs.

– The Russians will figure things out, but what exactly is difficult to say, says the spokesman.

Ukraine received 18 Leopard 2A6 aircraft from Germany, 13 of which are said to be destroyed or damaged. OryxWhich tracks casualty numbers in the war.

By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."