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Vitria SC workshop opened ::

Vitria SC workshop opened ::

a Vitoria SC He returned to work Friday, kicking off preparations for the new season. Players, technical staff and staff They showed up at the gym at 7:30 a.m. for Covid tests and clinical analyses. Thus Pepa and the technical team involved had their first contact with the group.

subordinate 27 players Present at the start, most of them moved from last season, others made the jump from the B and under-23 teams, and there is also a note for the return of full-back Rafa Soares, after loaning to Eibar.

Vitria SC

In this sense, the elements carried over from the previous season include André André, Rochinha, Bruno Varela, Jorge Fernandez, Silvio, Joseph, Lamiras, Termal, Helder Sa, Quaresma, André Amaro, Momim, Janvier, André Almeida, Oscar Estupinian. And Bruno Duarte, Edwards and Sacko, the latter only authorized to appear on July 2, where he was representing his team.

subordinate Sub 23 and yes equiba b Arrival of Antal, Selton Bey, Maja, Handel, Herculano, Guy, Joao Mendes, Dani Silva, Afonso Freitas and Miguel Magalhães.

Goalkeeper Nicolas T, Mario Evora and Jonathan Luiz, defenders Slimane and Ze Ouattara, midfielders Miguel Luis, Mikel Ago and Elias Abushabakia, and strikers Jacob Maddox and Noah Holm. layoff list Two from Vitoria.

finally, Lyle Foster He is in the service of the Under-23 team from South Africa, and has no return date yet, which depends on whether or not he goes to the Olympics, and his continuity with the victors is uncertain, at the moment.

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