Home World Vasar Abrar Raja from the movie “Black Swan” met with a terrible accident

Vasar Abrar Raja from the movie “Black Swan” met with a terrible accident

Vasar Abrar Raja from the movie “Black Swan” met with a terrible accident

There is no doubt that the Danish documentary series “The Black Swan” has captured the attention of the Norwegian public.

The documentary gives viewers an insight into Denmark's underworld, through undercover journalist and trained lawyer Amira Smajić, and shows how gang criminals collaborate with lawyers, businessmen, contractors and public servants.

-You will die in great pain

In the series, she also meets Fasar Abrar Raja, who has been associated with MC Bandidos for several years. Among other things, he was convicted of violence, weapons possession, menacing and smuggling 160 kilograms of amphetamine.

He talks about his hectic life, but so far he keeps his cards close to his chest regarding the horrific accident in 1997, which could have cost him his life.

Convicted by: Abrar Raja.  Photo: Danish TV 2

Convicted by: Abrar Raja. Photo: Danish TV 2
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Danish media, incl TV 2 And Look and listenHe writes about the incident in which 22-year-old Fasar was severely burned in an explosion.

According to Channel 2, he locked himself in an apartment building in Copenhagen with three Yugoslav collaborators. When they reached the first floor, the apartment suddenly exploded.

Channel 2 wrote that the explosion was so violent that all the windows of the 98-square-meter apartment were shattered.

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Fassar, who was thrown down the stairs and suffered serious burns, explained that someone had gone out to kill him. Later, there were several theories about the cause of the explosion.

While many media outlets wrote that it was a drug fight that led to the incident, others in the criminal community speculated whether Vasar himself was the one who deliberately set the fire.

However, he refused.

Now the bad guys are being taken - one by one

Now the bad guys are being taken – one by one

The content of the film “Black Swan” was secretly filmed with Danish-Bosnian business lawyer Amira Smajić – and some hardened criminals in Denmark. Viewers get a fascinating but dark and frightening look at the Danish underworld.

Despite the huge viewing success, the documentary had, among other things, serious consequences for many of the actors.

killing: It was award-winning rapper Cy Gambino who was shot and killed in a Gothenburg parking lot on Tuesday evening. Video: Øystein Mønsson/Dagbladet. Reporter: Annabel Brun/Dagbladet TV
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Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is upset after watching the documentary. She is amazed at how criminals and businessmen collaborate to commit fraud and serious crimes.

“I am disturbed by this interaction between two groups that use each other to undermine our country,” said Frederiksen, who declared a tough battle against criminal gangs.

Here you hide

Here you hide

Earlier this month, it was also known that the Minister of Justice was going to invite politicians to a meeting.

The reason for the summons is to find out how they handle the type of crime shown in the documentary.

“Black Swan” is produced by Danish channel TV 2 in Norwegian cooperation with NRK.

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