Boavista Football Club, Futebol SAD, announces that at the Ordinary General Assembly held today, 7 May 2024, the members of the governing bodies for the period 2024/26 were elected and installed, with Free Fay elected as Chairman of the Committee. Board of Directors of Sociedade Anónima Desportiva, with 99.99% of votes in favor of the capital represented at the meeting (92.37%).
Administrative Board:
Vari fi [Presidente]José Carmelo Fray Reneblas
Jose Manuel Ruebas Vasquez
Joaquim Agostinho Moreira de Carvalho
Alfredina Maria Seabra Silva
General Assembly Council:
Manuel Mayo Gonçalves Silva [Presidente]Manuel Domingos Diogo Quiros [Vice-Presidente]Virgilio Manuel Noversa Silva Gomez [Secretário]Marco Antonio Oliveira Narciso [Suplente]
Financial Council:
Antonio Silva Marquez [Presidente]Jose Manuel Duarte Preza Fernandez [Vice-Presidente]Helder Manuel Martinez Pereira on behalf of PALM – Pereira, Almeida, Linhares, Monteiro & Associados, SROC, Lda [Vogal]Maria Conceicao Machado Montero Carvalho [Vogal Suplente]José Manuel Ferreira Sobral da Rocha [Vogal Suplente]
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