This is not the first time that users have ordered a product online and received something completely different from what they wanted to buy at home. As far as graphics cards are concerned, for example, in July, a Brazilian user bought a GeForce RTX 3090 Ti, which at that time was on top of the Nvidia range, but Received a litter box at home.
Recently, another user bought what is currently the most powerful graphics card from the North American company, the GeForce RTX 4090, but when he opened the order he realized that inside the box were only a few blocks of metal.
I bought the RTX 4090 and got the metal blocks
The new GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card is Nvidia's current high-end model. Its price is about 2000 euros, but it may be much higher, considering that the GPU is already out of stock in some countries, but Brokers Already tried to resell the product at exorbitant prices.
But now, imagine what it was like when you pay values this big for a unit of this press, but get everything but the equipment. This is exactly what happened to a user in the US who chose to purchase a Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4090 from the popular Newegg store in North America. However, at the time of opening the box, not only did you find any graphics card, but the box was still just a few blocks of metal.
wounded subscriber His story on Reddit and he also shared a picture of what he found in the box. The post quickly went viral, garnering more than 66,500 upvotes and more than 3,600 comments in just two days. In these same comments, there are those who offer words of support to the user, but there are also those who criticize and even mock what happened. Moreover, as in the case of sand, there are also those who do not believe that the incident actually happened.
And as if that wasn't enough, the user still claims that Newegg banned their account even before responding to their complaints via email.