As a young child, Justin “Legpot” (34 years old) from Florida in the US loved to follow the insects that were roaming in the garden.
He could sit on the grass and hear the bees buzzing for hours, while he explored butterflies, beetles, and golden wasps.
As he got older, he gave up his interest, paying no attention to the hundreds of species of insects that were roaming around the garden.
Until one day he decides to get closer to them than ever before.

Creates feedback: – The eye goes out when I want
– very sick
On Thursday, April 20th, Justin performed a new launch of his rather strange invention “instekkisser” or “Bug Kisser”. It is a device that will enable all insect lovers in the world to kiss their favorite crabs.
The device has a mouthpiece that can resemble a pacifier, with a pair of small lips attached to it.
– That way you can take invertebrates one step further, Justin tells Dagbladet, with an obvious fundamental paradox.
– That’s very sick, isn’t it? It’s surprising no one has come up with this before, he says with a laugh.
He also says that the kisser comes with a bug book, where you can mark it and enter the number of bugs you’ve kissed.
Get in: In this book, you can read about the different insects found in nature – as well as identify which insects you’ve accepted. Photo: private.
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creates feedback
Recently, there has been an influx of feedback in Justin’s inbox. Many people think he is crazy.
– Some praise this and some think it’s the worst thing they’ve ever seen, he continues.

Look after the nude spa: – Never seen before!
On TikTok, there are over half a million people who follow Justin and his trips to nature where he kisses bugs.
One clip that went viral is where he kisses a grasshopper. It has been viewed over 15 million times, and has received over 20,000 comments. Most of them are of a good nature, but some do not see the humor in the invention.
– This is just crazy, – writes one of the followers below the clip.
Even Justin doesn’t take the criticism that comes his way.
– That’s just fun. I accept beetles and ticks and people love them. He admits that wasps were a little scary then.
He explains that the kissing bug is made for fun. However, he sincerely believed that some people would appreciate the invention.
My lips are strong
Even if the little kissing bug was a bit sexy, it can be thought that Justin reinvented gunpowder. Already in February, Dagbladet managed to report this A university in China has invented a kissing machine for humans In long distance relationships.
Justin himself says he had never heard of the instrument in question and was not inspired by it. At the same time, he admits that he came up with the idea quite by accident.

Spots weighs 18 kilos: – He had to be picked up
– One day when I went for a walk, I saw a poster that said: “I want to kiss every bug, but they are so small and my lips are so strong.” At first I thought it was hysterical. Then I thought I should help this person, says the businessman and laughs.
He says he is satisfied with the product, and reveals that he has sold a few hundred Kisses since launching.
on Product locationwhere the cost of kissing bugs was set at NOK 170, many buyers took to the comments section:
«The product you didn’t know you needed. amazingwrites one.
«Here you give people what we wantwrites another. A third wrote that she was looking forward to testing the device, adding that she “The kiss is always wrong».
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”