On Saturday and Sunday (August 27 and 28), researchers, students, professionals and science publishing enthusiasts, from various media, gather in São Paulo for another edition of the Brazilian Meeting of Science Distributors, promoted by ComScience. UFMG Professors Débora D’Avila Reis, Coordinator of Educational Activities in the UFMG Knowledge Space, Yurij Castelfranchi, Specialization Course Coordinator in Science Public Communication – Amerek, and Dean of Extension, Cláudia Mayorga, participate in round tables during two days of the meeting.
According to Professor Claudia Mayorga, who will participate in the opening session, on the 27th, at 9:30 a.m., the idea is to present the UFMG’s scientific publishing policy building process, a “pioneering and dialogue initiative, aligned with the University’s Extension Guidelines”.
In the discussion of the topic Possible dialogues between the university and publishersMayorga intends to address the increasingly high social demand for science-related information, and how the university needs to prepare to respond, “particularly because this requires clarification between different areas of knowledge, demonstrating the need for communication.”
The Dean, who will be along with Paulo Nossensweg (USP) and moderator José de Moura Leite Netto (RedeComCiência), will also present the various science publishing activities developed by the UFMG, such as the transversal training presentation in scientific publishing, the UFMG Jovem Gallery and Museum Network and Majoring in Public Communication for Science – America.
Museums theory and practice
In the afternoon, at 1:30 p.m., teacher Débora D’Ávila Reis shares the table with the subject. Museums and scientific centers as a space for scientific publishing. Participants will discuss these spaces of non-formal education and their role in dissemination, as well as possible partnerships.
Professor Deborah will be accompanied in the mediation by Joyce Bispo Santos (Goldi Museum), Maria Alice da Silva Paulino (Centre Sencia y Sabres Carabana) and Luis Pinto (Syserge).
On Sunday, 4:30 pm, Professor Jörg Castelfranki participates in the last discussion on this topic Theory and practice in scientific publishing, alongside Germana Parata (Unicamp) and Carla Almeida (Vucruz). The moderator will be Graciel Almeida de Oliveira (RedeComCiência and Fundação Carlos Chagas). Participants will demonstrate how research on science dissemination, material assessment, access, and public interest can contribute to the practical activities of publishers.