Relatives have been informed and will be looked after, police report in Moore og Romsdal at 18.56.
– Just after Kuala Lumpur. 17 We received a message from Melshornet about a three-person tour group. They were badly injured. Which she told afraid that he would die who went with her. It turns out they were, says Borg Amdam, director of operations for the More og Romsdal Police District.
Amdam met the press outside the Ålesund Police Department on Sunday night after the tragic incident. The police launched a rescue operation with the help of volunteers, an air ambulance and a rescue helicopter. It was an air ambulance that first arrived at the scene under difficult conditions.
– Between showers, the air ambulance got up and then carried an injured woman and one of the deceased, Amdam said.
Shortly thereafter, the rescue helicopter retrieved the last person. The three were taken to Ålesund Hospital.
Police held a press conference after the thunderbolt that struck Milchornet in Hared on Sunday evening. Two people died and a third was seriously injured. Director of Operations Borg Amdam in the Moore or Romsdale Police District. Pictured: Morten Hurtow
The three on the tour are women, but not Hared. More so, the police will not say anything about now, for the sake of relatives. Amdam will also not comment on the age or relationship of those involved, other than as a tour guide.
– How and where exactly this happened, the police will return to. So far, we know they were, so to speak, on top when this happened, says Amdam.
The local police are immediately following what happened. At the hospital, the Hared municipality’s crisis team takes care of relatives. Amdam adds that priests and the police are also present.
He said the police would not come out with more information about those involved on Sunday night.
Terrible climatic conditions
It was a long Sunday with glorious sun and calm weather, before the weather changed suddenly and there was thunder and lightning and torrential rain.
– The weather was tragic Sunday night. We did several rescues around Sonmore Wall and in Ålesund. It is unusual to have such intense thunder and lightning weather here in Sunnmøre. We are not used to dealing with such extreme conditions, says the COO.
On Sunday, police issued a warning to stay on the mountain during the storm.
– We came out with this warning after the accident, Amdam says. The storm subsided on Sunday evening, and police also completed a rescue operation at Sokertopen in Ålesund. Everyone has been taken down from the mountain.
“This came out with a force that I think surprised most of the people who live here in Moore og Romsdal,” says Amdam about the changing weather.
Decision: Very tragic
mayor: Burnt Brandal is a hurried rapporteur. Photo: Linda Ekrim, Vicplate Vestposten
The Hared Municipal Crisis Management Team has been formed, Mayor Bernt Brandall said Sunday at 19.15.
– This is a very tragic situation. The crisis team has been set up and we are meeting now and planning how to follow up on this in the best possible way, says the mayor.
danger warning تحذير
Earlier Sunday night, police came out with a warning as they asked all hikers to get off the mountain and safely. Several rescues and ongoing emergency reports were then reported.
– Everyone who hikes a mountain in the county is required to come down safely. More reports of needy people on the mountain. Heavy thunderstorms are coming, police wrote on Twitter at 5:30 p.m.
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has sent a yellow warning of lots of lightning and thunder for showers in Vestland, More og Romsdal and Sur Trondelag on Sunday afternoon and evening.
– There will be significant local variations in density. Meteorologists wrote in the forecast that some places will not experience thunderstorms.
In the hour between 2pm and 3pm on Sunday afternoon, lightning struck more than 3,000 times in southern Norway, NRK reports. Within six hours, more than 13,000 people were registered, according to the Meteorological Institute’s lightning radar.
Medium altitude on the mountain
Melshornet is 668 meters above sea level, described as a moderately difficult hike in the mountains with panoramic views.
To the west are Olsztyn and the islands of Herowe, to the north Brisundt and Nordøyen, while Storfjorden towards Ørskog in the east and Wardalsvilla and Sonnmorsalbeni to the south.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”