Tatra Mountains – Today’s Weather Forecast. What is the weather like in the mountains: Mały Kozi Wierch, Zawratowa Turnia, Kopa Kondracka, Kozi Wierch, Rysy, abi Mnich, Niżnie Rysy, Zadni Mnich, Świnica, Wołowiec, Kościelec, Mnich? On Monday, the temperature in Tatras is expected to be around 2 C. In turn, the expected wind speed is 21 km / h. It should not rain today. Check Tadras weather for today and the next day.
Weather: Tatra Mountains (Today, 01/11)
Do you like to go hiking, but do not know what the weather will be like in Thadras? Below is a list of the most popular mountains in Tatras. In this article you can see what the weather will be like today. Interested in weather forecast for the next few days? Go to the article below for information about the selected mountain.
Weather Forecast for the Tatra Mountains: Wołowiec, 01/11
Today the sun is set at 4:19 pm. Mostly clear. Temperature 5 to 7 C, min. Temperature -1 to 1 C.
On Monday At. 06:00 The following conditions are expected in Wołowiec (Tatra Mountains):
- Temperature: -1 C
- Wind speed: 27 km / h
According to meteorologists, in the Wołowiec (Tatra Mountains) At. 09:00 On Monday it should be:
- Temperature: 1 C
- Wind speed: 25 km / h
At. 12:00 In Wołowiec (Tadra Mountains) on Monday, meteorologists forecast:
- Temperature: 2 C
- Wind speed: 25 km / h