The Green Party wrote in an email to Dagbladet that they are calling on the government to stand by Ukraine.
Earlier today, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asked for help to secure Ukraine’s energy sector for the winter. The country is seeking about NOK 8.4 billion in subsidies.
– It is, of course, a very high amount, but the price is lower than the price of a possible obfuscation, Zelensky said earlier today, when he participated in the international donor conference for Ukraine in Paris, via video link.
The Millennium Development Goals are now calling on the government to give Ukraine the money it asks for.
Ukraine is now asking for billions to secure the basic energy infrastructure of the future. As Russia steps up its attacks against the country’s civilian infrastructure, we must do more to make Ukraine as safe as possible over the winter, says MPD Millennium Development Goals representative Lan Marie Berg.
According to Berg, Norway, which enjoys a special status with oil and gas income, should single-handedly give Ukraine the full amount it asks for.
The Millennium Development Goals want the Norwegian Parliament to adopt a solidarity fund based on all of the extraordinary income from oil and gas that is currently being transferred to the oil fund. Instead, allocating the money to those who need help in Ukraine and those suffering as a result of the consequences of the war elsewhere would be fair to those who are suffering the most now, says Berg.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”