There's a shower of Draconid stars to be seen tonight (clouds permitting) – Science

There's a shower of Draconid stars to be seen tonight (clouds permitting) – Science

tonight Tuesday, October 8, the skies of the Northern Hemisphere will present a unique celestial spectacle: the peak of the Draconic meteor shower.

If weather conditions permit, Observers will be able to see about 10 meteors per hour. For those who missed today's viewing, meteors may also be visible Wednesday night, although in smaller quantities.

Draconids are known for their diversity. Under exceptional circumstances, This phenomenon can produce up to 10,000 meteors per hourAccording to NASA, though, this is a rare scenario.

At the same timeIt is also one of the shortest meteor showers, with most of the activity concentrated in a few hours around the peak. “Draconids tend to maintain approximately half their maximum activity for only a few hours.” Explains the North American Space Agency.

This is a meteor shower It occurs every year at the beginning of October and is caused by debris left behind by comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. While traveling through the solar system. The name Draconids comes from the fact that they radiate from the constellation DracoWhich can be seen in the northern sky just after dusk.

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You already know that to get the most out of this experience, you have to Look for areas with little light pollution, such as rural areas, and give your eyes time to adjust to the darkThis will last about 30 minutes.

The forecasts of the Portuguese Institute of the Seas and Atmospherics (IPMA) are not the best Possibility of clouds and rain in most parts of the country, but there may be some “openings” To estimate the phenomenon in addition, The moon will be only a quarter brightWhich helps to gather better observation conditions.

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In addition to the dragons, October will also bring orionid meteor showersIt is expected to be even more exciting – weather conditions permitting.

By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."