Recently, the book “Cinema Inspires Life” was presented by Professor Paulo Miguel Martinez of AESE Business School. In general, Work 101 modern films, with analysis guides, are proposed lessons in leadership and can be used as a training tool in work environments.
To make each film easier to find, three indexes are included, one of which lists the titles of the films and links to the main topics covered. The last lists the most important topics and indicates, for each, which films refer to those topics most relevant. The third refers to the directors by title.
“You will thus be able to choose the film most effectively, according to its intended purpose, and use it as a training tool in your workplace or simply as an entertainment resource or a way to enjoy with the family watching a valuable work.” , reads in a statement.
Here are some of the films mentioned in the book:
Le Mans ’66: The Duel
In the 60s of the last century, the American car brand FORD wanted to present itself as a “champion”, victorious and fast brand. To do this, he decided to design and produce a car that would compete in the legendary Le Mans races, specifically against the famous European brand Ferrari. A winning bet, true to Principal Lee Iacocca’s dream and vision, but only possible through a careful selection of collaborators, from technicians and designers to pilots and mechanics, drive, confidence and perseverance was one of the secrets.
Secret items
The inspiring true story of three black women working for NASA of how they overcame barriers and obstacles through competence and professionalism. There are three women who launch themselves, take the initiative, and strategize to show their worth, with concrete facts, gestures and attitudes that are real and honest. They study problems and collaborate with teams. They exchange information and come up with a solution, thus marking the company and leaving their mark in history.
Gastronomy and cooking is an art that requires talent but also professionalism. It is an area in which human relations play a major role, both in the relationship with customers and in the relationship with employees and managers. Moreover, in addition to having a good idea and a good project, it is necessary to focus on publishing. In this case, the strategy of proper use of social networks and a marketing policy close to the target audience will be decisive. The curious aspect is that it all starts with a catastrophic situation that can be changed.
Preparing for negotiations is essential for them to succeed. In this film, which depicts behind the scenes of the peace agreements between Israel and the Palestinian state, it is emphasized that motivation is the engine of action. In this case, two people organize everything so that the opponents meet face to face. They are a nice, neutral place and agenda with times and spaces for the frank exchange of ideas. There are insurmountable difficulties from the very beginning, but the advantages of both sides are also immediately apparent. Each deadlock is divided into multiple aspects, from the smallest to the most complex until it is completely resolved and the unimaginable has happened.
The Social Dilemma (title in Portuguese from Portugal)
The digital world is a reality that generates new opportunities and new challenges. It includes companies, organizations, and the people themselves, from their perception of their surroundings, to the way they interact with others and with everyday situations. This film proposes clues on how to take advantage of these new tools and avoid mistakes in their use, avoiding anxiety, fatigue and various mental disorders.Who wants to improve the way he behaves and behaves.
I’m Daniel Blake
Unemployment exists and occurs in the world of work. Overcoming it is not easy and depends on each case. Often, bureaucracy creates barriers to good intentions and the opportunities that emerge. This film deals with the issue of human dignity and safety. There are always hidden talents that can be developed through direct, personal contact with others, when you become aware of what really affects and needs them. Numbers matter, but management really focus on people and they do their best when they know they are valued and feel valued.