at Video message shared on Twitter According to Frances Scar, the BBC’s Russia expert, Kadyrov said “the problems in Ukraine are over” and that he was now interested in Poland.
“After we’re done in Ukraine, once we get the order, we’ll show them in six seconds what we can do,” he says.
Don’t let it pass
Kadyrov also requested that Poland ask for official forgiveness Attack on Russian Ambassador Sergei Andreev.
Two weeks ago, the ambassador was drenched in red when he was going to lay a wreath at the memorial to fallen Soviet soldiers in Warsaw.
In videos posted on social media, one can see that a group of people were waiting for the ambassador at the monument, and that they then, publicly, doused him with what appeared to be red paint.
– We will not let him pass, Kadyrov says in the video, which was also reported by the media express And NEWSWEEK.
NATO prepares for a major war
Help Ukraine
Poland has taken in millions of Ukrainian refugees since the war began in late February. The country is a strong supporter of Ukraine’s desire to join the European Union.
Poland has become an important springboard for humanitarian aid from the West, as well as arms being sent to Ukraine. The state also helped Ukraine send grain and other agricultural products to the world market, as Russia blocked Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea.
Earlier this week, Ukraine and Poland entered into a border cooperation – referred to as Historic Bilateral Agreement by President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The agreement stipulates that the two countries establish a joint border control. In the long term, the plan is for the countries to also set up a railway company that will contribute to improving Ukraine’s export opportunities by facilitating the transportation of goods to the European Union.
private army
Kadyrov was recently promoted to lieutenant general in the Russian Army for his role in the invasion of Ukraine. Almost his own army, the notorious “Kadyrov”, fought alongside Russian troops in the war.
In the early days of the war, Kadyrov announced that he had “70,000 volunteers ready to fight for our state, Russia,” and during a major event in the capital Grozny on February 25, 10,000 of his subjects volunteered for service.
Chechnya is one of the subsidiary republics of Russia, and it has been devastated by internal turmoil for decades. Kadyrov and Putin are interconnected. While the elected Kadyrov does not help the Russian president keep Islamist forces in the region in check, Putin succeeded him as the republic’s sole ruler.
“Kadyrov’s followers” attracted attention early in the Ukraine war, because the elite unit, according to the Ukrainian authorities, was sent to assassinate President Volodymyr Zelensky.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”