The war in Ukraine: – Criticism:

The war in Ukraine: – Criticism:

Recently, US President Joe Biden called his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin a “butcher”, a “war criminal” and a “murderous dictator”.

In the Polish capital Warsaw on Saturday, he went even further.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” the president said.

The statement prompted the White House communications staff to intervene and correct them, stressing that they did not intend to call for regime change in Russia.

And now the ally of the United States and the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, is also coming out and warning about the language of the American president.

The discussion will continue

– I think we should stick to the facts and do what we can to not escalate the situation. “I will not use these kind of words because I would like to continue the discussion with President Putin,” Macron told France 3 television, according to Reuters.

What is our collective desire? “We want to stop the war that Russia started in Ukraine, without starting a war and without escalation,” Macron said.

Moreover, Macron says that the aim of the talks is, among other things, to facilitate the evacuation of the remaining civilians from Mariupol.

– clumsy and aggressive

responses: The Russians are responding to this statement by US President Joe Biden. Video: AP
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US researcher Hilmar Megeldy at Research Center Norse told Dagbladet that he believed the entire statement was wrong from Biden.

“Unfortunately, this is Biden making a clumsy and aggressive statement about regime change in Russia, which is not official US policy,” says Migildy.

In his policy, Biden is completely risk-averse. But Biden is sometimes a loose talker. Milady says he has this in common with Trump.

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He says Biden is a man who should stick to the script.

Biden is a politician who must adhere more strictly to the scenario than ever before. Mijildi says you sit and hope he can do it, but he often doesn’t.

The undisciplined and ill-considered statements of the President of the United States are extremely dangerous. When the US president speaks, the world should be able to anticipate that what he says is official policy. So Macron’s criticism is timely, he says.

– Amazing

Biden said Biden’s statement on Saturday sparked strong reactions in the Kremlin, said Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Putin. ‘Obviously he was misunderstood’.

– “Slaughter”: During a visit to Warsaw, US President Joe Biden was asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin. Video: Reuters
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– It is not up to Biden to decide, the Russian president is elected by the Russians. This talk is amazing. According to Reuters, Peskov said he does not understand that the world is not limited to the United States and large parts of Europe.

The leader of Russia’s lower house, Vyachilov Volodin, described Biden as “weak and sick.”

This is how the weak and sick behave. He says psychiatrists will be able to better explain his behavior.

I had to explain

Later, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the United States does not have an active strategy for regime change in Russia.

TABBE: When US President Joe Biden was speaking on behalf of US soldiers in Poland, he made this mistake, March 25, 2022. Video: Associated Press. Reporter: Vigard Krueger
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I think the president’s view yesterday was that Putin simply shouldn’t have the authority to go to war with Ukraine or anything else. As we have repeatedly said, we do not have a strategy for regime change in Russia. said Blinken, or elsewhere for that matter.

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was down Speech to American Soldiers, Stationed in the Polish city of Rzeszow, the president came up with a proposal that could be misinterpreted.

By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."