Rare, mild cases of myocarditis have been identified in people vaccinated with messenger RNA technology, used to make immunity to Covid-19.
health authorities in United State Based on Israel Check if the Vaccines Give Pfizer e modern against a COVID-19 It can cause mild inflammation of the heart muscle. Rare, mild cases of myocarditis have been reported in vaccinated people RNA رسول messenger. The authorities want to investigate whether the inflammation could be seen as a potentially harmful effect of immunity. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cases are most common in young adults, and typically occur four days after the second dose vaccination. In all, 789 cases have been reported in the United States as of May 31, with 216 occurring after the first dose and 573 after the second application. Israel also said in a statement that it was investigating the problem. According to the country’s Ministry of Health, 148 cases Myocarditis near date vaccination She was recognized, until last month. Although inflammation affects young adults between the ages of 16 and 19, 95% of cases are considered mild.
According to cardiologist and researcher at Imperial College London, Dr. Ricardo Pitraco, mild inflammation of the heart muscle does not harm the organ’s function. “No patients, as far as I know, have died from it and none have been hospitalized. So the trend is that there is a causal relationship between the vaccine and myocarditis, the infection is very rare and when it does it is very mild disease,” he said. Vaccination infinitely outweighs its risks, even including this theoretical opportunity to cause myocarditis The recommendation to vaccinate adolescents aged 12-15 years should be discussed in the Pandemic Containment Task Force Forum and submitted for approval by the Director-General of the Ministry of Health In Israel In the United States, children 12 years of age and older can be vaccinated.Pfizer’s immunizing agent is used in Brazil, but according to Ministry of HealthThere is no suspicion of myocarditis in connection with the application of the drug in the country so far.
*With information from the reporter nanny cox
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