In keeping with tradition, the Swedish royal family gathered on the Swedish island of Öland, where they celebrated, among other things, the birthday of Crown Princess Victoria (44) on July 14.
It is celebrated every year The big day in Öland, Sweden in a wonderful way. The date was named Victoria Day, and since the heir to the throne was two years old, it was celebrated.

– I’ve never felt better
– I’ve spent all summers in Öland, so it’s close to my heart, she said in an interview with Swedish Aftonbladet.
In the same interview, the crown prince can tell that she will be in Öland all summer.
The long awaited reunion
However, she would not spend the summer there alone as the entire royal family kept the Crown Prince in company.
On Instagram and their official website, the Swedish royal family shares a photo where the whole family is smiling while wearing summer clothes. The photo was taken at Solliden in Öland.
Below is a photo of the Swedish royal family with a summer greeting to the people:
« Together in Öland again! The long-awaited reunion of the royal family who, after a long time on different sides, can now finally gather on the “Island of the Sun and Wind”. We wish everyone a continued good summer.”
The photo shows Crown Princess Victoria with her husband, Prince Daniel, and their two children, Estelle and Oscar.

“Wow, how big you’ve become!”
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia are also pictured with their two children, Alexander and Gabriel.
The couple also welcomed their son Julian in March, who is taking part in the festivities in Öland for the first time.
Princess Madeleine and Christopher O’Neill and their children Leonor, Nicholas and Adrien are also pictured.
Two family dogs are also included in the perfect picture.
Victoria Day
On this year’s 44th Victoria Day, a party was held in Öland, Sweden, and the royal family gathered to celebrate the Crown Princess at Soleden Castle.

summer romantic photo arrow
Victoria Day falls on the birthday of Crown Princess Victoria on July 14, and is considered the official Flag Day in Sweden. On that occasion, a folk festival was held on the holiday island of the royal family.
But the celebration this year was a little different due to the strict restrictions imposed by the coronary artery.

So she was absent from the party
According to the British newspaper, The Guardian, the Victoria concert – where a number of famous and famous artists performed – were held free of charge. express.
For the first time, the ceremony was held without an audience in the ruins of Borgholm Castle.
Read also: Secret photo surprises
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