In Brazil in 2021, about 66,280 new cases of breast cancer were discovered according to the National Cancer Institute.
São Paulo, 10/28/2022 – Knowing the basic rights that a citizen can and must have in order to receive the benefits guaranteed by the Ministry of Health
In Brazil in 2021, about 66,280 new cases of breast cancer were discovered according to the National Cancer Institute.
In Brazil in 2021, about 66,280 new cases of breast cancer were discovered according to INCA (National Cancer Institute). The Southeast region tops the rankings Dropp off Of the pathology in the country, about 36,470 cases are concentrated, with 18,280 people diagnosed with breast cancer in the state of São Paulo alone.
Lack of information is an aggravating factor for this type of cancer, which can be minimized by simple measures such as self-examination. In this case, the location of the tumor is determined in advance, which makes it possible to start treatment soon after the diagnosis of clinical examinations, and reduces the chances of death.
In October, the world joins efforts to raise awareness and provide information to individuals around the world with the Pink October movement, and since 2002, Brazil has embraced this campaign.
According to attorney Natalia Oliveira, “little is known, but people with breast cancer have a series of rights so that they can bypass the disease with the support of the Unified Health System (SUS) and receive appropriate treatment by the Ministry of Health.”
The bachelor states that “knowing the basic rights of any citizen can and should obtain the benefits guaranteed by the Ministry of Health.” It is possible to identify the cancer treatment units located in each state.
“In cases where the deadlines, treatments or medications prescribed by law are denied, the assistance of a legal professional will be necessary to appeal the rights,” Natalia says.
One of the most desirable legal rights, according to the attorney, is breast reconstruction surgery. “gift in Law No. 9797/99stipulates that plastic surgery for breast repair must be performed through the Unified Health System (SUS), in cases where the same was removed in patients during cancer treatment.”
Another guaranteed and much needed right is the IPI exemption on vehicles for PCD. According to Natalia, “ Law No. 10.182 / 01guarantees the right of people with breast cancer or disabilities to be exempt from Industrial Products Tax (IPI) when purchasing cars.”
The legal professional asserts that “in addition to the laws on breast cancer, there are so-called “The Law of Sixty Days”Provided that from the date of confirmation of the medical report, cancer patients are entitled to start treatment by the SUS within 60 (sixty) days.”
Despite legal issues regarding the rights of people with cancer, a study conducted between 2015 and 2019 by the Todos Contra o Câncer movement with the Oncology Observatory showed that Treatment is too late.
The survey also showed that 47% of people discover the disease late, and start treatment only when the disease has already worsened, which increases costs and medication, as well as reduces the chances of survival. Only 23% of patients catch cancer early, but access to medication is also difficult.