The silent epidemic: Diabetes affects more than half a billion people worldwide – Photos – R7 Hoje em Dia
Hey in this time Bring an important health warning: Advancing diabetes, which already affects more than half a billion people worldwide. Nearly half of people with the disease are unaware of the risks, which include loss of limbs, blindness and even death, unless people are aware of the symptoms leading to early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Understand more about the disease below
When a person has an old disease, but still riddled with myths, characteristics such as age, weight and family history are not always decisive in the diagnosis. Only in Brazil, in lower reported numbers, Diabetes affects approximately 17 million people, a range that is only accounted for among adults ages 20 to 79 years.
“that it Growth is accompanied by the growth of obesity, overweight, poor lifestyle habits and a sedentary lifestyle“, confirmed Louise Turati, Endocrinologist at Moria Hospital.
Estimates show Half of the world's population does not know that they have the diseaseWhich turns this epidemic into something silent and risky
Even after the disease ceases to be silent and a diagnosis is made, Many patients continue to ignore the risks and fail to take the basic measures required by the disease. This is what happened to Edvaldo Furtado Apolinario, a retiree who discovered the disease at the age of 38, but did not start taking all precautions until 10 years later.
It was the first problem caused by this disease Neuropathy, which is nerve damage that affects the legs and arms. The retiree said: “In my case, it was accompanied by a complete inflammation of the sciatic nerve. I was unable to move my legs and could not walk for three months.”
The disease also caused glaucoma, which led to blindness in the left eye and poor vision in the right, in addition to Heart problems that require multiple interventions and periodic visits to various specialists
There are four classifications of diabetes in medicine: Prediabetes, gestational diabetes, in addition to type 1 and type 2 diabetes. According to Fernando Valente, an endocrinologist, type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, in which a person's immunity turns against the pancreas, the organ that produces insulin. In type 2 diabetes, the environmental factor becomes more important, and excess weight is the main factor associated with this type of disease.
Your Edivaldo is infected with type 2, one of the most common types in Brazil. The disease requires increased attention to prevention and strict treatment. “In general, it is a silent disease at first, detected by laboratory tests. If a person does not perform tests regularly, he discovers it at a later stage, when the loss of the ability to produce insulin is greater, until he already has symptoms,” warned a doctor. Endocrine.
Little Rafael, aged one year and four months, has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Initially there were no cases in the family and no obvious symptoms.. Julia Kandalift, the boy's mother, noticed some changes in his behavior and took him to the emergency room
What seemed like just a virus has become A diagnosis that no one expected and the child had to be admitted to the intensive care unit for five days. Currently, in addition to the nutrition control that already happened before, with the help of technology, parents closely monitor the glucose level
Apply insulin through Technological devices help reduce the number of bites during the dayFacilitating constant alertness
In the case of silent illness. Early diagnosis is essential to maintain health and quality of life Not only for the patient, but for the whole family. Lukas Prediger, Rafael's father, said: “It is essential that parents make this diagnosis as soon as possible, because the treatment is simple, and the great complexity is to detect it early.” in this time It airs from Monday to Friday at 10 am on the channel register.