As reported by the agency InterfoxIn an interview with the “Soloviev Live” channel on YouTube, Edward Pasurin, when asked what kind of assistance the Republicans need from Russia, replied: – First, moral, financial – I do not deny, and the military is needed. , In different directions.
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The separatists went to Russia. They want Putin to recognize their “republics.”
Meanwhile, the leaders of the self-proclaimed republics ruled by separatists – the Donetsk People’s Republic (DRL) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) in Donbass, Ukraine – traveled to Russia. The Ukrainian media reported the news on Monday, citing Paweł Łysiański, founder of the Eastern Committee for the Defense of Human Rights.
According to sources, the leaders of the so-called LPR and DPR, Leonid Pasisnik and Denis Bushlin, were seen at the airport in Rostov-on-Don yesterday. According to preliminary information, they flew to Moscow. I do not know. What purpose, “he wrote Monday morning. Ysiański on Facebook.
Same day afternoon, Ukrainian service Dijergalo TishniaCiting the Russian media, he said that Bassinick and Pussilin had appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to recognize the independence of their “republics.” They asked him to make a deal with the LPR and DRL to ensure cooperation in the defense sector. Pasiecznik argued that the recognition of the LPR would “avoid the mass death of citizens of the republic, 300,000 of them Russian citizens.”
Russia. On Tuesday, both houses of parliament will discuss the situation around Ukraine
On Tuesday, a joint sitting of the two houses of parliament convened in Moscow, according to the radio station Echo Moskvi. The subject of the meeting was the situation around Ukraine.
According to the Russian Constitution, the Upper House of the Russian Parliament has the right to authorize the use of the military outside the country. The Russian Senate took such a decision twice at the request of President Vladimir Putin – in 2014, a year after Russia began the process of annexing Crimea, when it sent troops to Syria. The lower house, the State Duma, on the other hand, has the ability to recognize international treaties.
Both houses of the Russian parliament have constitutional powers to introduce new rules into the constitution, such as the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014.