a Media Capitalthe owner of TVI and CNN Portugal, posted a profit of 36.7 million euros in 2022, a result compared to a loss of 4.1 million in the previous year.
in advertisement To the market, the group is adding that Sale of the broadcasting business to the German company Bauerwhich allowed an inflow of $69.6 million and a capital gain of $46.1 million, contributed in a “decisive way” To reverse the results of last year.
a EBITDA – EBITDA – 48 million euros, which is a “significant improvement” compared to 8.1 million euros recorded in 2021.
The group also reveals that they have reached lowest levels of net debt in its historywith a net debt of 21.2 million euros, “as a result of a refinancing of its bank debts that took place in May 2022”.
According to the section, the the television achieved revenues of €137.7 million, up 5% year-on-year, whereas Audiovisual production It recorded a 3% drop in revenue to 31.9 million. recipes radio It fell by half, to 8.6 million. the address others Revenues amounted to 65.2 million.
Having paid out $10 million in dividends last year, Media Capital has yet to open up the game regarding this year’s dividend policy.
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