Earlier this week, Apple surprised the tech industry with the launch of the new M2 Pro and M2 Max processors. These products were presented to the Cupertino company to update its MacBook Pro line, which now contains the latest processors.
In the US, these maintained the prices of the previous generation. In the country of origin, the 14-inch model starts at 1999 dollarswhile the 16-inch version starts at $2,499.
But the story is completely different in Portugal. The 14-inch model went from €2,349 to €2,349 2499 euros In the basic version. The 16-inch version jumped from 2,849 euros to 3099 euros compared to the previous generation. But Portugal is far from being the country where the MacBook Pro is more expensive.
Brazil is the country in the world where it is more expensive to buy a MacBook Pro
To the surprise of many, Brazil is now the country where it is more expensive for users to buy a MacBook Pro. This is because the cost of the basic model in the country is no less than 23,999 riyals.
This means that buying a MacBook Pro, the base model, in Brazil costs a price The equivalent of $4,627 (or €4,274). More than twice what it costs in the US.
This data has been calculated by page Nokini, which listed the countries where it is more expensive or cheaper to buy a new MacBook Pro. Obviously, the United States is the cheapest country to buy a laptop, followed by Canada, Hong Kong, and Malaysia.
Portugal appears much lower on this list, at number 26, as one of the most expensive countries to buy a new MacBook Pro. This unflattering title belongs to Brazil by a wide margin.
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