Click the column to sort it. One click will select the column and two clicks will reset the values from smallest to largest
Collect and compare stats with other tournaments. Five competitions maximum.
Choose the day of the week and get the total and average of the clubs; Choose the time of the matches and get the total and average of the clubs; Click on the club to select it
Click the column to sort it. One click will select the column and two clicks will reset the values from smallest to largest
Click the column to sort them from largest to smallest
Get detailed information by clicking on the number of points earned, games, wins, draws, losses, professional goals and self goals;
Get detailed information about the audience, ticket and income by clicking on the total numbers;
Click on the badge to go to the selected club page
Click on the professional’s name for more information
Click on the game to go to the tournament page or click on Mr. Scoreboard to go to the page with all the games of the day
Click the game or tournament bar to go to the official competition page
Choose in Select how you want to sort the tournament standings
Click on the abbreviations columns PG, V, E, D, GP, GC, SG, and %A, and then in order from highest to lowest. two clicks, order from smallest to largest; Click “C” and return to the official rating.