The government recruits 54 people to control the European bazooka money

The government recruits 54 people to control the European bazooka money

The mission structure “Recuperar Portugal”, established by the government to monitor the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), will be able to appoint 47 senior technicians and 7 technical or operational assistants.

According to common order Posted in Diario da Republic دا On Monday, July 5, technicians can be appointed through various modalities: employment contract, mobility, public interest transfer agreement or service commission.

The certificate, signed by the Ministers of Finance, Public Administration and Planning, and which is effective from 1 July, also states that the global burden arising from personnel costs may not exceed the annual amount of 2.4 million euros.

In addition to these 54 people to be appointed, this new state structure will have a President (Fernando Alviati), a Vice President (Mario Rui da Silva) and four project team coordinators, also appointed.

Joanna Maria Gomez Ferreira da Silva Motta is responsible for the resilience dimension; Maria Joao Coelho with the climate shift; Manuel Ricardo Simويسes bathes in digital transformation; Nuno Manuel Remes Marquez Gomez leads the “Separate Internal Control Team”.

The budgetary costs related to the establishment and operation of the “Portugal Recovery” structure are borne by the Agency for Development and Cohesion, “for this purpose the relevant financial resources are granted from the state budget”.

Anticipating a range of reforms and investments to capitalize on economic growth, Portugal’s risk mitigation ratio is worth €16.6 billion in total financing – to be implemented through 2026 – including nearly €14 billion in lost funds and the rest in loans

By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."