The case of the charges against the Archbishop. Stanislaw Codec: The status of the Vatican

Za bezpodstawne uznała Stolica Apostolska oskarżenia wobec abp. Stanisława Gądeckiego dot. jego rzekomych zaniedbań w kwestii nadużyć seksualnych, jakich dwaj kapłani dopuścili się wobec małoletnich – ogłosiła Nuncjatura Apostolska w Polsce.

Allegations against the Archbishop Stanis கோaw Kodeக்கிki – Apostolic Nunciச்சn in Poland reported that he was negligent in the case of sexual abuse committed by two priests against minors.

As a result of the formal reports, as we read in the Apostolic Nuncier’s proclamation, the Holy See conducted action on the alleged omission of the Archbishop. Stanislaw Kodeki on sexual abuse of minors A pastor of the Diocese of Bosna and a pastor of the Diocese of Peelsko-Ivik.

“After a thorough analysis of the documents collected The Holy See recognized the above allegations as baseless, Why Complaints are dismissed in these cases, And the activities are considered complete ”- the release said.

Charges against the Archbishop. Presented by Stanislaw Kodeki In a letter written by Pope Francis, Janus Simik Who was sexually abused.

In December 2020, Onett quoted an excerpt from an article entitled “Letter to Pope Francis, this time in the case of Archbishop Kodeki”: “Archbishop Kodekki has done nothing about me,” And the former ledge must notify the relevant council on June 1, 2019. He did not act like a conscience. In the Polish church, suffering is not a bar for bishops. “

On June 1, 2019, the “Vos Estes Lux Mundi” rules enacted by the Pope came into force, and accordingly Any clergyman who receives information about sexual abuse Or there are reasonable grounds to believe that it may have occurred, “Obliged to report this action immediately” The crime scene is normal.

Janus Simik – as Annette announced – met with the Archbishop. Stanislaw Kodeki and told him his story on May 14, 2019. According to him, after June 1, when the papal instruction came into force, the head of the Episcopate should take action on his case, and he did not – that is why Simik asked the pope to take the hierarchy into account.

Referring to the article in December 2020, the spokesman for the Polish Bishops’ Conference, Fr. Lessek Kosiak insisted on it Meeting of the Archbishop. Kodekki personal with Janus Simik: It is not part of the recruitment process and is therefore not registered.

Fr. Kosiak also referred to the meetings of the Archbishop. The Stanislaw Codec was held with the victims in response to the encouragement of Pope Francis.

“They are of a pastoral nature, Private (i.e., non-public) persons were notified of this. This means that these meetings are not part of the canonical process, so they are not registered or stenotyped for future use of these materials, “said a spokesman for the Polish Bishops’ Conference.

He also mentioned that On the Archbishop. Kodeki met with Janus Simik, who said the rules of “Vos Estis Lux Mundi” were not yet in place.



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By Greg Vega

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer. Extreme travel aficionado."