In line with the rumors, a lot has been said about the Apple Watch Series 7. New sensors, a new screen, a new design and a wider range in its operation. However, demand could be much greater than supply capacity on the launch date. There are already analysts betting on a limited stock.
By all indications, the Apple smartwatch will be presented within days, along with the iPhone 13, but its delivery will be slower.
This version of the Apple Watch is likely to be much brighter than previous versions. It's not hard to see why. currently There are more than 100 million active Apple Watches, every time is an instrument of desire and a growing global market for brands that are betting on this segment. So Apple is aaPowerful post for this hour.
according to Mark Gorman From Bloomberg, Apple will have problems with Apple Watch delivery due to hurdles that occurred in recent production.
A keyword will be the same, but with different news
The most important keynote for Apple this month will be the iPhone 13. However, who should bring a lot of news is the Apple Watch Series 7.
Recent reports from Nikki Bloomberg revealed that Apple suppliers are facing production problems due to the new design. In particular, there is a new lamination technology for the screen and a case with flat edges, according to the latest design for iPhone and iPad (Air and Pro). However, the difficulty lies mainly on the screen.
So, according to the information, Apple will have agreed that suppliers will take a break in production to try to find a new way to speed up the process.
So that might explain why Apple Watch Series 7 is out of stock on launch day.
New sizes that will slow down manufacturing
As mentioned earlier, the guide tells us that the Apple Watch Series 7 It will be available in 41 and 45 mm. By comparison, the current model is offered in 40 and 44 mm.
Although talking about sensors blood glucose readingGive skin temperature and yes blood pressureOh The new Apple smartwatch can't bring any of these technologies.
Expected new processor, improvements to existing sensors and More facets and complications. Thus, the Cupertino company is pushing to 2022 the most anticipated innovations in the health and well-being sector.