by amazon agency
Among the institutions that have expressed interest in the public call for project proposals, 13 have been selected to be part of the board
The Government of Amazonas, through the State Secretariat for Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation (Sedecti), has issued the result of Public Appeal No. 001/2022, through the publication of Decree No. determining the composition of the membership of the State Council for Science, Technology and Innovation in Amazonas (Connect).
The decree stipulated that representatives of bodies, institutes, and entities be identified to be part of the council’s members’ council.
The result of the call has been published in the Official Gazette (DOE) and is available on the Sedecti website. The direct access link is:
Among the institutions that expressed their interest in participating in the Council, 13 institutions were selected according to the invitation.
With the selection of institutions, the board was formed as follows: Sedecti, Amazonas State University (UEA), Amazonas State Research Support Foundation (Fapeam), Amazonas Technological Education Center (Cetam), Institute for Sustainable Development Mamirauá (IDSM), National Research Institute In the Amazon (Inpa), Legislative Assembly of the State of Amazonas (Aleam), Federal University of Amazonas (Ufam), Federal Institute of Amazonas (Ifam), Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses (Sebrae/AM) and Associação Polo Digital de Manaus (APDM) ), the Confederation of Industries of the State of Amazonas (Fieam) and the Department of the Brazilian Bar Association Amazonas (OAB/AM).
All representatives of bodies, entities and institutes serve for a term of four years, and may be renewed by one-third or two-thirds alternately. Konecti will be chaired by the Secretary of State for Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation (Sedecti).
“Conte’s representation can help in co-founding public policies, proposing guidelines with a view to promoting expression and debate among its members and enabling the development of technologies and innovations for the state. In this way, it will be possible to train human resources in order to generate employment and income opportunities for the Amazon population”, explained Angelus Figueira , Head of Sedecti.
Progress in CT&I – Head of the Department of Technology Guidance and Innovation (DTI) at the Executive Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti) in Sedecti, Leonardo Silva, confirmed that the result ensures improvements in science, technology and innovation (CT&I) in the country.
Silva noted that “this result ensures continuity in saving the governance of ST&I in Amazonas, in order to formulate public policies that promote research and development of new products, as well as services that positively affect the country’s economy.”
Conecti – The State Council for Science, Technology and Innovation of Amazonas (Conecti) is provided for in Law No. 5605 of September 16, 2021. It is a collective body that forms part of the organizational structure of Sedecti.
The purpose of CONNECTI is to propose guidelines for the formulation of public policies and to promote the formulation and discussion of various levels of government with organized civil society to cooperate in the development and promotion of science, technology and innovation activities in the state.
The ordinance that will reveal the names of all the owners of the establishments and alternates chosen by the Governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima, Chief Executive, as provided for in the decree, should soon be published in the Official State Gazette (DOE) and will also be posted on the Sedecti website.
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