Stories have been a growing trend on and off social media. This method of sharing videos temporarily attracts users and seems to have invaded another platform. Right now Telegram is looking into this idea and it should arrive very soon.
Telegram, even following its own line of development, has given its users a lot more than the competition has to offer. These innovations arise from requests from users, who want access to much of what they used to use.
This is how Stories will finally come to Telegram, as a result of many requests from users. From its creator, Pavel Durov, openthis service was initially against this novelty, for the simple reason that it is already ubiquitous.
But, since they have a good habit of listening to their users, the teams of programmers have set to work and are preparing for a novelty that will arrive very soon. Testing has already started and the final announcement is expected in a very short time.
As revealed by Pavel Durov, Telegram users have some control over the posts they create. Thus, they will be able to choose how long the stories will be published, with options of 6, 12, 24 or 48 hours. They will also choose who can see the post.
It will also be possible to get lists of the closest friends and, according to Pavel Durov, there will be the ability to fix stories in the profile to help identify each user. In addition, the novelty will be available to the channels.
What is not yet known is whether this Telegram novelty will be free or part of the Premium plan. The truth is that Stories will come to this messaging service and become an important part of its offering.