Telegram has news and everyone can now test it on smartphones

Telegram novidades smartphones Android

With an excellent year, with more and more users, Telegram is improving the service with news. These do not stop growing and now appear new proposals, which everyone can try and evaluate.

These are new features that bring more capabilities to this messaging service that facilitate and improve communication. Let’s find out what is being tested now and how everyone can try it on smartphones.

Telegram Android news for smartphones

Problems encountered by other messaging services throughout 2021 have given Telegram the space it needs. Taking advantage of this break, the number of active users has increased and it has grown as an increasingly reliable and used platform.

News being evaluated now will improve this proposal. We started with the possibility to create protected scripts to avoid spoilers, where users choose whether or not they want to read them.

Telegram Android news for smartphones

This will be the option to customize the text that will be sent, with the Spoiler option selected. To read it, simply click on the received message and it will appear with the masked and unreadable text. There is also the possibility to share QR codes on channels in a simpler way.

The second novelty comes with feedback. Telegram users have more ways to express their opinions and emotions about the messages they receive. In all, there are 11 emojis that will be available to users.

Telegram Android news for smartphones

As we said before, Telegram news is still being tested and may be paused in case of problems. All users in the conversation are also required to get this 8.4 beta.

Anyone who wants to test this Telegram news can now do so on Android. This version is not available from the Play Store, but it can be obtained from the company's repository at Microsoft App Center. After downloading, you must install it on your Android smartphones.

By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."