In this regard, Mario Ferreira responded to poisonHe stated: “It would be easy to prove that the distribution of profits that occurred was duly declared and taxed, in accordance with applicable legislation, since I have always maintained my tax residency in Portugal, without any “camouflage” of the origin of my income [ver texto ao lado]”.
Thirdly, we, I and the companies of which I am a shareholder and director, are large taxpayers and declare everything to the tax authorities, otherwise the permanent monitoring we have from AT would not be possible. In fact, over the years, when AT does not agree on the tax treatment of certain operations, we have voluntarily settled the taxes calculated by AT, using available procedural and procedural means when we disagree with their understandings. It should be noted that litigation is not something that has distinguished our performance, as AT considers us As a rule, they are committed to tax standards and obligations. To give you an idea, since 2020, we have been the target of more than 20 tax inspections within our business group, which did not raise any relevant issues and, in fact, resulted in the approval of a VAT refund of around €1.5 million. This amount is initially delivered by our companies to the state, after a few months and through careful inspections of all executed operations and their documents.
He highlighted that one of these inspections actually covered the company in which the ship Atlantida was sold, in terms of value-added tax and for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017, and AT has not, so far, found any violation in operation, and has not requested payment of any tax that it considered due and did not pay. Company. In other words, we have not yet had the opportunity to correct any suspected violations.
I also think it is important to highlight, in this context of cooperation that we have always shown and because of the features of “abuse” and “camouflage” that were at the genesis of the application of this measure, that in 2018 we were actually the target of the inspection procedure to prove the actual price in real estate transactions, After being given access to all the personal banking information of the directors of the companies involved, including myself, AT concluded that there was no irregularity in the transactions and the prices declared matched those actually charged.
The complaints we made, for the most part, were decided by AT in our favor, and we are never talking about small amounts, in our case, and I remember the last complaint, because it was very recent, where we were compensated about 650 thousand euros, which AT agreed was paid unjustly. I know that our success, based on hard work and efficiency, is not highly valued by many interests.
I have been attacked and will continue to be attacked. I can only trust the laws of the Republic and the authorities that enforce them so that justice is done, despite these powerful interests. For my part, I will continue to work, seeking to add value and generate job opportunities and wealth for the country.
“Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja.”