Now Swedes are enjoying tax breaks, and a can can be three kroner cheaper.
If the new proposal is implemented, the tax on snuff will be NOK 20 cheaper.
According to the Swedish news agency TT aftonbladet.
– The reason is that the number of people who inhale is much more than the number of smokers. Oskar Sjostedt, economic spokesman for the Sweden Democrats, says the health-threatening effects of smoking are far greater than those of smoking.
At the same time, it is proposed to increase the tax on tobacco and regular cigarettes in Sweden by nine percent.
The report stated that the proposal was submitted in connection with the autumn budget of the government, and it will be applicable as of November 1 of next year at the earliest. aftonbladet.
A new study by the Institute of Public Health, the Norwegian Cancer Registry and the Norwegian Institute of Occupational Health recently found a clear link between snus use and several forms of deadly cancer.
– We see that for the studies we’ve done specifically, these cancers follow the gastrointestinal tract. We also see in the stomachs that there was a 40 percent increase in infection rate in those who inhaled. These are serious forms of cancer, especially pancreatic cancer, which is a terrible kind, physician and researcher Benedik Brinchman tells NRK.
The doctor told the VG that there is a higher chance of getting cancer the more you inhale.
– We know that wet contains substances that cause cancer. It has been difficult to document that nicotine itself causes cancer. A number of animal and cell studies show that if you have an existing type of cancer, snuff can have a negative effect on cancer that has already begun.
According to Aftonbladet, the proposed tax cuts do not include white wet and tobacco-free wet.
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