Survey began on the spread of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
Data: 04/08/2021
In the first stage, clients were in São Pedro to guide residents and collect Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae.
On Monday, 02, teams from the Teresopolis Environmental Monitoring Department began measures to combat dengue fever in several areas of the city. With the support of veterinary students from Unifeso, agents were in São Pedro to guide the population and collect Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. Work takes place during the first week of August. Visited on Tuesday 03 in Barra do Emboy. And this Wednesday, 04, in Quinta-Lebrão and Fonte Santa. During a home visit, clients perform a quick index survey of Aedes aegypti (LIRAa). “This procedure, along with the help of veterinary students, is very important for us to know the mosquito prevalence in a given location,” comments Zoonoses Sector Coordinator, Evelyn Ribeiro. Work continues on Thursday, 05, with visits to Meudon, Granja Guarani and Tijuca. And on Friday, 6, the events take place in Alto e Várzea.