The discovery also got the help of scientists from Uruguay and Bolivia.
The Chagas diseasecaused by a parasite and transmitted mainly by the “barber” insect, a Define new species by researchers from the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC / Fiocruz). The discovery, which helped scientists from Uruguay and Bolivia, was published in the journal “ZooKeysScientific platform.
The new species was namedBanstrongylus Noeroy”, in recognition of the French researcher Francois Noero. According to the Foundation, the species belongs to a genus of great medical importance to participate in the transmission of protozoans. Trypanosoma cruzithe main cause of disease.
The identification came through a study that found genetic and molecular differences in samples that had until then been described as belonging to the species Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus, is already well known by the scientific community. Both belong to the insect family popularly known as barbers. However, although the two species are very similar, a genetic analysis was performed in which it was possible to note a slight difference between them.
It is worth noting that the file Chagas disease It is transmitted by barber’s feces. In the acute phase, it causes symptoms such as fever for more than seven days, headache, and swelling of the face and legs. In the chronic stage, it can cause heart and digestive problems.