The Windows XP activation algorithm has been completely hacked, allowing for completely offline activation. It wasn’t a defeat using a “crack”, it was actually decrypting the algorithm that Microsoft uses.
Windows XP has not gone away from hearts
Windows XP's activation algorithm has been amazingly hacked, allowing for completely offline activation, according to log. In a post dated tinyapps blog discussion reddit about the topic. Thus it became known that the software that allows this "disassembled" use Looks like it's been around for at least several monthsmaybe floating in the ether as a download for torrent.
As for who created the software, no one in the subreddit post knows, including user retroreviewyt, who first shared it and wasn't sure where he got it, speculating it came from torrent somewhere.
Windows XP is still the most popular operating system in Armenia.
In the meantime, it appears that someone is working on reverse engineering the software. A user calling himself Neo-Desktop has put the software on Github and said in a thread that he's working on creating an open source version.
Microsoft ended official support for Windows XP just over nine years ago, but the operating system refuses to die. In fact, as of 2021, Windows XP remains the most popular operating system in Armenia. And in 2019, Forbes detailed a SpiceWorks study that found that one in three US companies still had at least one Windows XP-based machine on their networks.
This has forced the company to release security updates when something serious enough appears. Remember WannaCry? XP received a patch against this malware in 2017. A similar exploit led to another in 2019. As such, this Windows system seems to refuse to die and disappear.
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