Home entertainment Simao Sabrosa: the whole truth about the war with children. The former player's controversial decision that caused a division in the family – Al-Magazine

Simao Sabrosa: the whole truth about the war with children. The former player's controversial decision that caused a division in the family – Al-Magazine

Simao Sabrosa: the whole truth about the war with children. The former player's controversial decision that caused a division in the family – Al-Magazine

Luxury wedding Simao Sabrosa and Vanessa Rebelo It revealed a family war that had until now remained secret. The absence of the former star's eldest children from the ceremony caused a surprise and led to speculation about why 23-year-old Mariana and 21-year-old Martim were not present, as a result of his relationship with Filipa Valiente, at a very important moment in his life. Father's life.

In fact, this was not a decision that the young people took lightly, especially since their father's departure is not new. To understand this, we have to go back to the time when Simão's children came of age, Mariana in 2019 and Martim two and a half years later. At that time, the former Benfica glory met with his sons to inform them of a decision that ended up surprising everyone and everything.

The most beautiful pictures of the wedding of Simao Sabrosa and Vanessa Rebelo

“When Mariana turned 18, Simao said he would stop paying his pension from that day on. Food (which the court stipulated), but whenever she needed it she could ask for it, and she did not stop helping her children. He did the same thing with Martim.”begins by telling one of the sources, adding that this decision will ultimately raise a big surprise, because by having the freedom to suspend the payment, the former Benfica footballer was contravening the decision of the court itself.

“What happens is that when Simao and Filipa separated, the court stipulated that he would have to pay maintenance until the children were 25 years old, if they were not working, or 23 years old, if they already had the means to support themselves. By making the decision to stop paying when they turned 18 “In general, he put his children in a very delicate situation, because the only way for them to be able to ensure that their rights were respected was to take action against their father. You can imagine what this meant. They were both young people. No one understood why Simao went against what was decided. It did not make sense,” he said Says a source close to Simao Sabrosa and Vanessa Rebelo, who followed the whole process, adding that what angered everyone the most. It was about the fact that the former footballer felt that “just because his children turned 18, something would change in his parental duties.”

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“Actually, Martim and Mariana had just turned 18, but nothing had changed in their lives. They were still of school age and relied on their parents to support themselves, so the decision was completely unexpected and sudden, and it ended up hurting their Simão children who, in a way, “They felt neglected by their father.”

The last photo of the family together is from 2021

Moreover, failure to pay the stipulated amount, even if they expressed their “intention to help,” would place Martim and Mariana in a “position of dependency.” “It made no sense for Martim and Mariana to have to demand what was rightfully theirs. Simão should do exactly the same thing as any other father, which is to contribute to the maintenance of his children until they have the means to do so.” “Do it. The law in this case is the same for everyone.”“Flash!” says one overheard source.

Stability between father and children

After his children took legal action, Simão Sabrosa separated from Martim and Mariana once and for all. On social media, for example, this disconnect is visible, with no shared posts, photos or likes, and at the moment none of the three follow each other. “Simao says he was deeply hurt by what his children did to him, but in reality he was the one who put them in this situation. By not paying the alimony, and going against what the court stipulated, he ended up taking them to prison.” this.”

Another source heard by our publications said that the great sadness of Martim and Mariana has nothing to do with money, but rather with the absence of their father from their lives. “Even before this happened, Simao had been a present father for so long that, in the truest sense of the word, he had moved away,” the source says.

This would have coincided with the period in which Simão consolidated his relationship with Vanessa Rebelo, building his family alongside the interior designer, with whom he now exchanged alliances. At the wedding, only Simão Salvador – the only child in common – and Rodrigo were present, the result of Vanessa's first marriage to Bruno Aguiar.

“In fact, the relationship between Simao and his children has deteriorated. It didn't have to be this way, but things have gradually changed since Vanessa entered his life,” the source told The Mag, adding that at the time no one expected this outcome .

Images of harmony are part of the past

The absence of Simão Sabrosa's children from the ceremony did not take away his smile during the ceremony, but it ended with sadness for the three of them. “Deep down, no one is happy with how things turned out, but the truth is that things have reached a point where they seem irreversible.”“, explains another source.

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