Scientific professionals demonstrate this afternoon in Lisbon against precarious work

Scientific professionals demonstrate this afternoon in Lisbon against precarious work

This Wednesday, several unions and structures representing the education sector, including the National Union of Higher Education, will join together in a national demonstration against instability in science: the initiative will be held in Lisbon at 2:30 p.m., with the focus in front of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation ( Avenida Infante Santo, in Lisbon), where the parade passes through the headquarters of the Science and Technology Foundation and heads to the Assembly of the Republic.

The demonstration was called by several structures, including Snesup, the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof), the Union of Antiquities Workers, the Organization of Scientific Workers, the Association of Scientific Research Colleagues and the Anti-Instability Society – Unstable Unstables.

“This is a national demonstration against precarity in science targeting all workers in the scientific field, regardless of the type of their employment contract (employment contract, research grant contract or casual work), their role (researchers, teachers, technicians, science managers and professionals with similar experience) and their jobs) Or their academic degree (doctoral and non-doctoral),” the union structures said in a statement.

“The main purpose of this demonstration is to demand that the government, in particular, the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation, and higher education and science institutions, provide an effective and immediate response that puts an end to the fragility of the links covering researchers, fictitious guest teachers, managers, science communicators and research technicians,” he noted.

Among the demands are the following:

– Ensuring continuous funding for the scientific employment of doctoral holders;
– Ensuring a permanent funding mechanism for employment in scientific research professions;
– Cancellation of the statute for research fellows and replacement of all grants with employment contracts;
– Permanent integration into the professional life of workers performing technical, scientific administrative or related functions;
– Permanent integration into the profession of pseudo-guest teachers;
– Putting an end to the chronic lack of funding for higher education and science institutions;
– Democratization of higher education and science institutions.

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By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."