This week, Samsung announced the arrival of the Galaxy S23 5G with a 512GB storage capacity in Brazil. The smartphone has all the features of the S23, such as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor and night photography feature. Now with much more storage space, the suggested price of the cell phone is R $ 7,499. Interested users can purchase the smartphone through Samsung’s official store.
The S23 line is the latest generation of the South Korean company’s flagship smartphone segment. Today, smartphone options with more space are important, said Daniel Currie, senior director of e-commerce in Brazil. “We want to offer people another possibility to choose what is more suitable for their own routine.“.
The Galaxy S23 promises a top-notch photography experience. The largest internal capacity ensures the user has free space to store all their photographs without worry.
Additionally, the Galaxy S23 5G cameras feature fast autofocus and the first Galaxy Super HDR selfie sensor, increasing the number of frames per second from 30 fps to 60 fps, ensuring clearly better front-facing photos and videos.
Buy the Galaxy S23 5G 512GB for R $ 7,499
For more creative control and customization, the S23 5G offers Expert RAW5, allowing you to capture and edit DSLR-style images in RAW and JPEG formats, as well as Astronomical picture And night photography to take perfect night photos.
The Samsung Galaxy S23 5G cell phone is available in 512GB storage capacity Online store From Samsung for a suggested value of R $ 7,499. Interested users can purchase the smartphone in black, green and cream colours. Everyone who pays in cash will receive 10% discount and you can buy the cell phone for R$6,749.
source: Samsung