We have started joint work between the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in dealing with Russia and the Sputnik vaccine through these negotiations, says Minister of Family Affairs Krista Kyoru during a question-and-answer session in the Finnish Parliament.
Writes Helsingin Sanomat Newspaper.
Cuero will not provide any estimates of when the negotiations may end.

A second dose is not always necessary
According to the state TV channel YLE Kiro says they have now started direct negotiations with Russia, because the European Union has not yet reached an agreement with the Russian vaccine manufacturer.
The Russian vaccine is still not approved for use in the European Union, but is under review by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
– very Influential
Many Finnish researchers spoke to by Helsingin Sanomat think everything indicates that the Russian vaccine works well.
– It’s very effective. Two peer-reviewed articles on the topic have been published in the critically acclaimed The Lancet, one on immunity and the other on efficacy that looks very good, Hannah Nohayink, chief physician at the National Institute of Health, tells the newspaper.

We will administer vaccinations abroad
Mika Ramit, director of the Finnish Institute for Vaccine Research, told the newspaper that so far there have been no reports of serious side effects associated with the Sputnik vaccine.
No safety concerns have been raised regarding the Sputnik. In light of this, it is a very relevant vaccine and is considered in the vaccination program being implemented in many countries. The difference between this and the AstraZeneca vaccine and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is that it uses different adenoviruses, says Rammett.
AstraZeneca a pause

The Danish professor: – We have a new, deadly disease
Several countries, including Norway, have stopped using AstraZeneca after reports that several countries have had a dangerous combination of blood clots and low platelet counts.
Even Johnson & Johnson has stopped distributing its vaccine, after reports of similar cases.
On Thursday, Health Minister Bint Hui set up a panel of experts to assess whether Norway should use the AstraZeneca vaccine again.
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has clearly advised the government to completely remove the AstraZeneca vaccine from the Norwegian vaccination program.
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