Russia responds to US propaganda: – Will provide a military response

Russia responds to US propaganda: – Will provide a military response

The United States, in cooperation with Germany, will begin deploying hypersonic and long-range weapons in the country in 2026. The plan is for these weapons to become a permanent station with the US military contingent in Germany.

They announced this on the occasion of the NATO summit in Washington, USA, this week.

– When fully developed, these long-range conventional missiles will include the SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles and hypersonic weapons, which have much longer ranges than Europe's current land-based missiles, according to the announcements. Newsweek.

It creates reactions in Russia.

Watch the video from the archive: Russia tests hypersonic missile

Russia: Will respond calmly

Russia will respond militarily after the United States announced it would deploy hypersonic weapons in Europe in 2026, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said.

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“We will respond militarily, calmly, to the threat,” Ryabkov said at the BRICS forum in St. Petersburg on Thursday, TASS news agency reported.

According to the deputy foreign minister responsible for relations with the United States, among other things, the publication is believed to be “just a link in the chain of escalation.”

– It is a scare tactic, and it is largely the basis of NATO and US policy towards Russia these days. “We will prepare the response in a calm and professional manner,” the deputy foreign minister said.

This image shows a hypersonic missile test firing by the US Navy in Hawaii in 2020. Photo: Luke Lamborn/U.S. Navy/AP/NTB

“America's commitment will be demonstrated.”

Relations between the superpowers became significantly more tense after Russia invaded neighboring Ukraine in February 2022. Many Russian officials and experts even advocated attacking American territory, in retaliation for all the aid and weapons the United States has provided to Ukraine.

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The United States and Germany wrote in the announcement that the deployment of these forces “will demonstrate the United States' commitment to NATO and its contribution to the common European deterrence.”

By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."