In the Showmetech TRIO From the week (05/30/2022) we will talk about something new drug video promises to deliver a “daydream” experience; Log analysis via to deal Which confirms the existence of a complex civilization in Amazon before the arrival of the Portuguese; And finally, we’ll talk about bots. fit, which was distributed to the elderly in New York. Check out this week’s main news with us!
Journey through a drugged video
Let’s start the week’s news, let’s talk about a very interesting video made by the Venezuelan Jason Silvashow guest mind gamesfrom a well-known channel National Geographic. The video is calledDreaming While We Wake: A Journey into Ourselves‘, something like ‘Daydreaming: A Journey Inside Ourselves’, in free translation.
There’s no getting ready for what’s coming, because when you hit play the video, the psychedelic experience Jason prepared for the world begins. Its content blends the use of artificial intelligence along with the creativity of those who believe in the power of psychological experiences – of course, in legal terms.
The video description also provides some of the abstract ideas that we see during the six minutes that pass as “First Single Artwork: Born from a Collaboration between Human and Artificial Intelligence by Jason Silva, Hueman Instrument and Digital IntelligenceThe video and subtitles are in English, but the visual experience can also be considered very interesting, even for those who do not understand the spoken message.
An unknown civilization in the Amazon
great forest Amazon It has always been distinguished by its abundant greenery and the vastness of its fauna. Plants, trees, and animals live inside, giving more life to what are considered the “lungs of the world.” But these are only the items that we currently know about, there is a new mystery surrounding the site.
The technology has been used recently to deal For remote surveying in the place it was discovered that at least 1500 years ago there was a community living there, even before the presence of Portuguese settlers.
LiDAR images show the named city kasarab, which included platforms, huge pyramids, defensive structures, reservoirs, and canals connecting what appeared to be hundreds of settlements of various sizes. This goes against the assumptions that the locals were nomadic or culture-feeding, rather than sedentary and agricultural.
LiDAR scans were not always able to accurately display data which can now be read more easily. Current technology allows reading to bypass leaves and branches in denser areas and to be able to provide a more detailed three-dimensional reading, including providing information on the density of hidden structures. What can these new discoveries offer to our history?
Robots accompanying the elderly
Finally, let’s also talk a little bit about a very interesting situation that focuses on reducing loneliness in the elderly. The New York State Bureau of Agingknown by the acronym NYSOFA is an organization that deals with the health of seniors in New York and has brought something new to the city’s older citizens: fitCompanion robot.
Despite being unable to do physical activity, ElliQ promises to be a personal companion that has the ability to communicate with voice assistants such as crab And the Alexa To help seniors not feel lonely on a daily basis. The robots were distributed to at least 800 elderly people living in New York.
The current estimate is that there are at least 14 million Americans 65 years of age or older who live alone, with glimmers that this number will only increase over the course of decades.
ElliQ is a two-part robot, the first is a base with a round lamp, like Episode lightsIt also has speakers and a microphone. The lights flash according to the communication the device is making with the person, giving an idea of an organic connection.
The second part is a tablet-style device that is always next to the first part of the robot. Its screen provides additional information, is a touch screen and can even be used for video calls. Those who are not so lucky with the distribution of ElliQ, can also buy a unit for $250 and another rate $30 for monthly maintenance. Great initiative to reduce the isolation of the elderly, huh?
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source: Next WebAnd the Take Crunch And the the edge.
“Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja.”