Manuel Luis Jocha gave an interview to Ricardo Soler about his show on Tuesday, October 5th on TVI. The well-known artist recalled some of the most difficult moments in his life and the difficulties he faced in dealing with his feelings, after he resorted to psychotherapy for that.
“I usually say I’m talking about this thing about the strong man being a contrarian and having this iron robe. It didn’t suit me, feelings were for the weak,” he began, noting that this was the “cover” he created defense up to now in his childhood with the bullying he suffered in The school.
“I think I deal with my feelings better and better and therapy always helps me. Everyone should do it. It’s worth it because those surfaces inside my head start to crumble and get lighter.”, note.
Ricciardo also thought about the difficulty he is having in making some of his career goals a reality. “I found myself becoming bitter, aggressive and angry. Why would I want to do this and can’t access it? It’s always been one of my dreams to do the voiceover for Disney, it’s a dream I’ve seen and I believe it will come true. But he said it is very difficult to get into the dubbing world.”
Another question that Ghosheh asked Ricardo was whether he thought they appreciated his talent in Portugal: “There were times I thought so and there were times I didn’t. I was going through more complex stages of deep grief. Music never hurt me, it always saved me. Maybe I was the one who let others hurt me. The country is small. There are opportunities but you have to work hard, have talent and have this lucky star.”
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